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We are proud to be presenting a workshop at the 'Core Competencies in CME/CPD' session in the forthcoming 17th European CME Forum in Madrid.
This approach to instructional design is one that we champion at Outcomes Engine when our tools are used or when we advise teams on how to develop their learning plans.
Come and join the workshop. The big ideas for "Understanding by Design"[1] are teach and assess for understanding and transfer, and use backward design (what are the outcomes, how will we measure them, how will we deliver the learning to achieve them). This approach makes our CME/CPD more likely to have an impact on the practice of healthcare and the health of our patients. Learn how we can adapt this design process to our practice in healthcare.
[1] Bowen, R. S. (2017). Understanding by Design. Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching. Retrieved [18 Oct 2024] from
#outcomesengine #backwarddesign #learningoutcomes
Photo by UX Indonesia