Apollo 11 Had a Hidden Hero: Software: The moon landing was one of the most important moments in the history of computing, laying the foundations for everything from fly-by-wire cockpits to the smartphones in our hands.
Source: wsj.com
How do you define a scenario? Researchers in Futures & Foresight Science suggest an approach based on published literature. The approach suggests a series of questions (see diagram) to challenge a particular phenomenon to check if it is a scenario that can be used in future planning - or if it is...
Source: wiley.com
Word of the day: Bürolandschaft - Office landscape. What does this mean for the modern ‘internet of things’ workspace? Can good design and smart equipment work well together? Good to see that the ‘smart workplace’ is climbing the Gartner Hype Curve.
Source: wikipedia.org
Breakthrough that literally opens up online learning? Using AI for free text input: When teachers ask learners whether they know something they rarely ask them multiple choice questions. Yet the MCQ remains the staple in on...
Source: blogspot.com
Chatbot claims to beat GPs at medical exam: The Royal College of General Practitioners disputes the abilities of Babylon's software. Aiming your chatbot at published, purposefully language clue-filled test items from the MRCGP exam seems to me to be more about self-publicity than actually funding and...
Source: bbc.co.uk
Open source sustainability has been nothing short of an oxymoron. Engineers around the world pour their sweat and frankly, their hearts into these passion projects that undergird all software in the modern internet economy. In exchange, they ask for nothing in return except for recognition and help…
Source: techcrunch.com
How the audacity to fix things without asking permission can change the world, according to Tara Mac Aulay - 80,000 Hours
Source: 80000hours.org
Millions of British children breathing toxic air, Unicef warns: More than 4.5 million affected, says UN group, while tests suggest children’s shorter height increases exposure on busy roads
Source: theguardian.com
Medical Mystery: Something Happened to U.S. Health Spending After 1980: The spending began soaring beyond that of other advanced nations, but without the same benefits in life expectancy.
Source: nytimes.com
There’s no such thing as a ‘detox’ – so let’s ban the word: Using the word detox to promote drinks such as tea as well as food and other products is essentially meaningless. Time to give it a rest, says Anthony Warner
Source: newscientist.com
How to make brain friendly learning that sticks (Expert interview): Discover what it takes to make brain-friendly learning with expert advice from Learning Psychologist, Stella Collins. Stella offers 6 ways you can work with the brain to help make learning stick. In summary: L - Linking (link to what...
Source: elucidat.com
Understanding Latent Dirichlet Allocation with Gibbs Sampling by coding it from scratch. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is a machine-learning technique that by the magic of many (many many) small calculations it can detect patterns in data and cluster documents, for example, into similar topics. ...
Source: github.io
Everything You Wanted to Know About Lava Flows - The Scholarly Kitchen: Geologist Jerry Magloughlin looks at the different ways that lava flows.
Source: sspnet.org
Day 1406 - #thecrapartist - Il Bollo Apartments, Vicolo del Bollo, Rome. A bit of water colour sketching whilst sat on a stool on the junction of small back streets somewhere in Rome. The last minute wash of brown colour was a bit rash ... since it doesn't represent anything in the actual view and just...
Facebook’s News Feed Algorithm Is Completely Busted: Facebook serves many useful functions. It helps you set up events, send messages to friends and family, and even organize groups. These are all side benefits, though. The main feature—the real thing Facebook wants to sell you—is the News Feed....
Source: reviewgeek.com
Complexity in the evaluation of medical education - how would you evaluate this one? I am really enjoying putting together the 'current topics and controversies' week at the end of our module on 'evaluation' in the MSc/PgDip Medical Education programme at University of South Wales - though I am now...
Do Good on Autopilot (i.e. without even thinking about it) with These 4 Apps. The apps (mostly plugins to browsers) help with raising money for charitable causes without you having to do anything other than install the app.
Source: thelifeyoucansave.org
After 37 years, Voyager 1 has fired up its trajectory thrusters: This week, the scientists and engineers on the Voyager team did something very special. What does this mean for Voyager and what effect will this thrust have on its trajectory? Great that the rockets work - fantastic engineering - and...
Source: arstechnica.com
How to brew beer like a Norwegian farmer: Kveik: a word we’re likely to be seeing a lot more of in the beer world. But what is kveik? Here are a couple of things it’s not: Kveik is NOT a beer style. It’s the name given in…
Source: zythophile.co.uk
Are other specialties becoming de-skilled? Tony James - a geriatrician colleague of mine from my time in Bridgend - puts the question. A generation of Doctors unable to look after their patients?: Dr Anthony James is a Consultant Physician at Princess of Wales Hospital. There have been many changes...
Source: wordpress.com