A judicial review into road works near the world heritage site finds for the campaigners.
Source: bbc.com
Learn to use rhetoric in writing and life with this extensive list of rhetorical devices, complete with examples of the devices in action.
Source: reedsy.com
"The high prevalence rate of gout in the friary is at least partly explained by the consumption of alcohol and purine-rich diets by the friars and the wealthy townsfolk. Medieval medical texts from Cambridge show that gout (known as podagra) was sometimes treated with medications made from the root of...
Source: nih.gov
The Gilgamesh Dream Tablet was imported illegally into the US before being bought by Hobby Lobby.
Source: bbc.com
Major fires and resulting emissions are set to continually increase across the world’s forested regions, fueling more warming and more fires to come.
Source: technologyreview.com
"Moving events online kept the industry going during the pandemic and now they're here to stay." Notable mentions of the conferences Collision, Web Summit, and RISE, and the speed networking software Mingle. "[T]he Distance Learning Association's Thomas Capone says that the future of meetings and events...
Source: bbc.com
The brain rarely fires on all cylinders even at the best of times - what more during a pandemic?
Source: reuters.com
Israeli tech firm NSO denies media reports that its software has been sold to authoritarian regimes. The Android and iOS spyware can apparently see photographs and contacts, log everything that is typed, and turn on the camera and microphone.
Source: bbc.com
Everyone knows the adage “money can’t buy happiness,” although few of us seem to believe it.
The best-known theory on this topic is that money actually can buy happiness, but only up to a point. This comes from a study by two Nobel Laureates, Daniel Kahneman and Angus Deaton (2010), which found...
Source: givingwhatwecan.org
Cats and dogs can be infected by the coronavirus — but cats are more susceptible to infection, a new study suggests.
Source: nytimes.com
Blended learning has transformed higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic, and institutions should continue to leverage its benefits.
Source: ecampusnews.com
Prime Minister Boris Johnson's 'freedom day' ending over a year of COVID-19 lockdown restrictions in England was marred on Monday by surging infections, warnings of supermarket shortages and his own forced self-isolation.
Source: reuters.com
Scientists take a crack at recreating the hypnotic fractal spirals of the Romanesco cauliflower.
Source: nytimes.com
"New App Has Exciting Potential For Today’s Educators | Emerging Education Technologies" I've used Clubhouse for a couple of months and it certainly provides the opportunity for communities to come together and invite expert speakers. It is refreshing in that it doesn't have screen time and you can...
Source: emergingedtech.com
A cyber-security firm says it believes the Russia-linked REvil ransomware gang is responsible.
Source: bbc.com
Advocates say having computer programs decide how much help vulnerable people can get is often arbitrary - and in some cases downright cruel
Source: theguardian.com
In two separate observations, just ten days apart, astronomers discover a neutron star circling a black hole before being gobbled up.
Source: singularityhub.com
Turkey is due to ban most plastic waste sent from the UK, so tonnes of packaging will need a new home.
Source: bbc.com
The bank got in trouble over a high-stakes U.S.-China legal clash. In the past two years, Chinese state-owned firms have ended or cut back business with HSBC.
Source: reuters.com
Research shows that financial services exports were hardest hit over four-year period
Source: www.ft.com