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showing posts for 'h'

A Simple Approach to Relieve Teens’ Anxiety and Depression JAMA.

An intervention known as Shamiri helped relieve Kenyan adolescents’ depression and anxiety symptoms more effectively than a program aimed at improving their secondary school study skills, researchers reported in JAMA Psychiatry.

Teen builds solar-powered tuk-tuk from scraps

Piranawan, 15, from Sri Lanka spent eight months of his Covid lockdown making his eco-friendly vehicle.

Development and validation of teacher and student questionnaires measuring inhibitors of curriculum viability - BMC Medical

Background Curriculum viability is determined by the degree to which quality standards have or have not been met, and by the inhibitors that affect attainment of those standards. The literature reports many ways to evaluate whether a curriculum reaches its quality standards, but less attention is paid...

How green is blue hydrogen? Robert W. Howarth. Mark Z. Jacobson. Energy Science & Engineering.

Blue hydrogen is the production of hydrogen from natural gas combined with carbon capture and storage. Commercial production so far is limited to just two facilities, but blue hydrogen is increasingl...

Council policies 'inconsistent' with climate goals

A third of English councils support policies that could increase emissions, BBC research suggests.

How Data Science Pinpointed the Creepiest Word in ‘œMacbeth’

It’s not the word you’d expect - and it appears in this very sentence

Will MIT Scientists' Powerful Magnet Lead Us to Nuclear Fusion Energy? - Slashdot

"A start-up founded by scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology says it is nearing a technological milestone that could take the world a step closer to fusion energy, which has eluded scientists for decades," reports the New York Times: Researchers at M.I.T.'s Plasma Science and Fus...

OpenAI's Codex Translates Everyday Language Into Computer Code

The company believes its Codex machine learning algorithm is the next step in programming—a sidekick for coders to speed up the work and ease the drudgery.

U.S. employers get religion with vaccine mandates

As coronavirus infections rise again, U.S. companies mandating vaccinations are confronting an uncomfortable question rarely asked by an employer - what is an employee's religious belief?

New WHO toolkit promotes inclusion of people with dementia in society

“Towards a dementia-inclusive society: WHO toolkit for dementia-friendly initiatives”, launched today, is WHO’s latest response for establishing and scaling-up dementia-friendly initiatives globally. The toolkit helps countries raise public awareness and understanding of dementia to support people...

Who is the we in 'We are causing climate change'?

Everyone is not equally complicit here.

Major U.K. science funder to require grantees to make papers immediately free to all

New policy brings UKRI-funded research in line with European open-access push

Canada blocks proposed Rocky Mountain coal mine on environmental grounds

Canada on Friday formally blocked a proposal to build a steelmaking coal mine in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta, citing what it said would be the significant environmental damage.

Covid Disguises Chronic Scarcity of Workers for U.K. Recovery

“The acute labor shortage because of self isolation is masking the systemic challenge for businesses struggling to recruit after Brexit.”

Mirror, Mirror 2021: Reflecting Poorly | Commonwealth Fund

"How the 11 Countries Rank on Performance. The top-performing countries overall are Norway, the Netherlands, and Australia. The next three countries in the ranking — the U.K., Germany, and New Zealand — perform very similarly to one another." The UK was ranked #1 overall in 2017 - the last time this...

Why whales in Alaska have been so happy

What will happen to Alaska's whales when tourism returns to waters stilled by Covid?

Clinically contextualised ECG interpretation: the impact of prior clinical exposure and case vignettes on ECG diagnostic

Does teaching ECGs with a clinical vignette improve training? Not greatly ... but having seen a condition previously (and presumably the ECG that went with it) is probably best. The researchers concluded that "ECG training should therefore not rely on experiential learning alone, but instead be supplemented...

Visa-free touring granted for UK artists in 19 EU countries – while industry demands "honesty" from government

"The government has announced that visa-free touring has been negotiated for UK artists in 19 EU member countries" This is great news for musicians but also good to see that individual EU states also still have control over their borders (they always did). It will be great for us all to have freedom...

Sikh and Hindu ashes scattering site opens - BBC News

A dedicated site for ashes to be scattered into flowing water is officially opened in Cardiff.

Investors overseeing $14 trln call for vote on company climate plans

Investors managing $14 trillion in assets on Friday said they wanted all companies to set a climate transition plan and allow them to vote on it, ahead of next year's season for annual general meetings.