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showing posts for 'workers'

Exclusive: The $2 Per Hour Workers Who Made ChatGPT Safer

A TIME investigation reveals the difficult conditions faced by the workers who made ChatGPT possible

Therese Coffey tells health workers about her 'working preferences'

New Health Secretary issues guidance telling staff of her 'working preferences' ... this includes: - stop using the Oxford comma - avoid double negatives - be 'positive' - to steer clear of 'jargon' After the incredible work that the NHS did in response to the pandemic and the sacrifices many staff...

Psychology of panic buying

I've been fascinated by the psychology of panic buying and it is clearly an area for future research. It has an enormous impact on delivery infrastructure and I wonder if anyone has been tracking the data of the causes and the impact in the current fuel 'crisis'. A systematic review from last year identified...

Covid Disguises Chronic Scarcity of Workers for U.K. Recovery

“The acute labor shortage because of self isolation is masking the systemic challenge for businesses struggling to recruit after Brexit.”

US passes emergency waiver over fuel pipeline cyber-attack

The US acts to keep fuel flowing after its largest pipeline was hit by a ransomware cyber-attack. "Cyber-security firm Digital Shadows says the Colonial attack has come about due to the pandemic - with more engineers remotely accessing control systems for the pipeline from home. James Chappell, co-founder...

World's wealthiest (and 'business as usual') 'at heart of climate problem'

"These [polluter elite] are people who fly most, drive the biggest cars most and live in the biggest homes which they can easily afford to heat, so they tend not to worry if they’re well insulated or not. … They’re also the sort of people who could really afford good insulation and solar panels...

Frontline workers left "risking lives to provide treatment and care"

"The Department for Health and Social Care's decision to prioritise hospitals at the beginning of the pandemic meant social care providers were left exposed by lack of PPE, says the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee in its first report on PPE procurement published today." "While government...

A UN framework for the immediate socio-economic response to COVID-19.

UNSDG | A UN framework for the immediate socio-economic response to COVID-19. The five streams of work that constitute this package include: 1. ensuring that essential health services are still available and protecting health systems; 2. helping people cope with adversity, through social protection...

Coronavirus COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 information

A collection of information sources for COVID-19. The NHS 111 online COVID-19 service. The first point of call for someone in the UK who thinks they have symptoms or have been exposed whilst travelling. The NHS Coronavirus COVID-19 information webpage. UK Government's Coronavirus action plan. Public...

People in Japan are wearing exoskeletons to keep working as they age: To solve the problem of Japan’s ageing workforce,

People in Japan are wearing exoskeletons to keep working as they age: To solve the problem of Japan’s ageing workforce, tech companies have developed exoskeletons that help older workers continue to do heavy manual labour

Are there automation-resistant intelligences? The question we all want to ask is 'will my job be taken over by a robot?'

Are there automation-resistant intelligences? The question we all want to ask is 'will my job be taken over by a robot?' "Our model predicts that most workers in transportation and logistics occupations, together with the bulk of office and administrative support workers, and labour in production occupations,...

South Korea mulling world's first robot tax | ZDNet: Controversial idea seems to formally acknowledge a tough future for

South Korea mulling world's first robot tax | ZDNet: Controversial idea seems to formally acknowledge a tough future for workers

The LMS Market is Quickly Losing Ground: Technological advancements have created a unique set of expectations for modern

The LMS Market is Quickly Losing Ground: Technological advancements have created a unique set of expectations for modern workers. And now, learning management systems, the undisputed Goliath of the corporate learning world, are having their lunch eaten by David.

Globalisation Theresa May and Davos. I agree with some of what she says about globalisation but it is also a major role

Globalisation Theresa May and Davos. I agree with some of what she says about globalisation but it is also a major role for government policy to share the gains with 'those left behind'. In particular nations need to look after its workers (and future workers) when inevitably the jobs and industries...

Remote intelligence will be with us before artificial intelligence concludes Richard Baldwin in his book "The Great Convergence".

Remote intelligence will be with us before artificial intelligence concludes Richard Baldwin in his book "The Great Convergence". He proposes this future by explaining the present state of global trade in terms of three "separation costs"; transport, knowledge, and people. Transport costs fell with...

Augmented reality set to overtake VR as new apps go live. "AR enthusiasts envisage the technology being used in the workplace,

Augmented reality set to overtake VR as new apps go live. "AR enthusiasts envisage the technology being used in the workplace, as well as just for fun. Factory workers could learn to use a new machine with a hands-on tutorial, architects could walk through their vision for a restored building, and police...

Urine test for fatigue could help prevent accidents: Doctors, pilots, air traffic controllers and bus drivers have at least

Urine test for fatigue could help prevent accidents: Doctors, pilots, air traffic controllers and bus drivers have at least one thing in common -- if they're exhausted at work, they could be putting lives at risk. But the development of a new urine test, reported in the ACS journal Analytical Chemistry,...

The rise of the robots Excellent read but of a gloomy dystopian future where robots and software take over manual tasks

The rise of the robots Excellent read but of a gloomy dystopian future where robots and software take over manual tasks (as they already have done) and also skilled labour displacing even highly skilled jobs in time. Healthcare might survive a little longer but physicians assistants empowered by...

More than 10,000 problems fixed through 'Improve Detroit' cell phone app: In a city that is large enough to fit Boston,

More than 10,000 problems fixed through 'Improve Detroit' cell phone app: In a city that is large enough to fit Boston, Manhattan and San Francisco, it's not easy for Detroit workers to find – and fix – thousands of problems that exist in many long-neglected neighborhoods.

NHS workers from abroad: 'I don't think people here appreciate what they have': One in four doctors in the UK is now non-British,

NHS workers from abroad: 'I don't think people here appreciate what they have': One in four doctors in the UK is now non-British, and there are thousands more foreign-trained nurses. Do they feel welcome? And how does healthcare in Ghana or the Philippines compare?