Acid attacks have been happening in the UK for 200 years, so why are we only talking about them now?: Around eight years ago, when researching the screenplay for my short film “Shrouded”, I spoke to women who were victims of acid attacks, but had chosen to wear the Niqab to cover their scarred faces. The...
Don't believe what people say about the angry, disaffected Muslim youth: Hundreds of “We love MCR” banners coursed their way through central Manchester last week, along with signs proclaiming, “Love for all, hatred for none”. Young Muslim women and men proudly displayed them in an act of defiance...
Professor Nowotny's book (The Cunning of Uncertainty) celebrating the edge of what we know and the inevitable uncertainties around us. Touches on current issues such as finance, climate change, and terrorism. Written by a former president of the European Research Council the book covers many aspects...