Looking for something innovative to try in 2024? MedEd professionals would benefit by looking through these ideas first. Open University's, Institute of Educational Technology's latest innovating pedagogy report from August 2023. This is the 11th annual report on emerging technologies in education...
Source: open.ac.uk
Identifying low test-taking effort during low-stakes tests with the new Test-taking Effort Short Scale (TESS) - development and psychometrics: "Low-stakes tests are becoming increasingly important in international assessments of educational progress, and the validity of these results is essential especially...
Source: biomedcentral.com
A qualitative exploration of student perceptions of the impact of progress tests on learning and emotional wellbeing: Progress testing was introduced to the MBChB programme at the University of Auckland in 2013. As there has been a focus in published literature on aspects relating to the format or function...
Source: biomedcentral.com
The secret of passing the MRCP part 1 exam. You may not like the answer but read on ... Going on the right course? Reading the right books? Forming a question group? Signing up to an online question bank? Doing the right job whilst sitting the exam? Joining a Facebook forum? Doing past papers? All of...
Will Butler-Adams on why the future of the foldable bike is electric: "Dearie me," Will Butler-Adams sighs, raising his eyebrows in mock horror as he examines my bike. I’ve arrived at the Brompton factory in Brentford on my much-used fold-up, only to have the company’s chief executive start diagnosing...
Source: standard.co.uk
AI improves publishing: "Robots will analyze complex editorial content of all lengths, and provide feedback to the humans sitting behind the keyboard."
Source: niemanlab.org
Workplace interventions for reducing sitting time at work | Cochrane
Source: cochrane.org
NASA Earth Observatory : : Sitting atop the Andes plateau on the border between Peru and Bolivia, the lake is the highest major body of navigable water in the world and the largest lake in South America.
Source: nasa.gov