"After searching and reading a large amount of literature, we were surprised to find that most of the literature related to “AI+medical/medical education” was of low quality... This suggests us to conduct new research or improve the quality of research related to AI and medical/medical education....
Source: nih.gov
Ways to prevent crime other than police and prisons: There are less harmful ways to stop a lot of crime from happening in the first place. Listen to Jennifer Doleac — Associate Professor of Economics at Texas A&M University, and Director of the Justice Tech Lab — is an expert on empirical research...
Source: 80000hours.org
Reforms must prepare the UK countryside for climate change and ensure that our use of land supports reduced emissions - Committee on Climate Change: The Paris Agreement demands tougher action to remove greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere. We must, at the same time, prepare for the inevitable...
Source: theccc.org.uk
Elderly social care should be 'free at point of need', says report: Report by IPPR and peers says reform would cut ‘catastrophic care costs’ of over £100,000 a year
Source: theguardian.com
Politics is way worse because we use an atrocious 18th century voting system. Aaron Hamlin has a viable plan to fix it.
"Say there’s an independent or a third party candidate that you really like, but you’re looking at them and you think: ‘God, this person is never going to win, what I should...
Source: 80000hours.org
The Health and Social Care Act of 2012 - making GPs lead Clinical Commissioning Groups - did not reduce overall hospitalisations study concludes. "[G]iving control of healthcare budgets to GP-led CCGs was not associated
with a reduction in overall hospitalisations and was associated with an
Source: plos.org
The European Union’s new data privacy rules will make companies worldwide clean up their online security, or else: "Sweeping reforms are set to take charge of European consumers' online privacy and data concerns next spring, but the impact could be global — and a huge win for consumer privacy advocates....
Source: niemanlab.org
The basics of basic income - John Kay: Basic income schemes cannot work and distract from sensible, feasible and necessary welfare reforms.
Source: johnkay.com
Want to improve teaching in universities? Value those who teach: As university reform draws nearer, the government must address the sector’s growing problem of insecure working conditions
Source: theguardian.com
Innovations in Diabetes Care Around the World: Case Studies from Mexico, India, and US of Care Transformation Through Accountable Care Reforms: A Commonwealth Fund–supported study in Health Affairs examines promising diabetes programs in Mexico, India, and the United States to understand the institutional,...
Source: commonwealthfund.org