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showing posts for 'nothing'

Spem in alium nunquam habui (Hope in any other, never did I have)

This piece of music is probably like nothing you have ever heard. Maybe because it is nearly 500 years old it feels like it is from another world. Maybe because it is written for eight choirs with five voices each the forty parts it's so complex you'd be pressed even to hum some of the tune afterwards....

Eeek! or E484K mutation and the coronavirus pandemic

Rupert Beale · Eeek! · LRB 19 February 2021: "Uncontrolled spread – as we knew it would – led to an even greater wave of infections, hospitalisations and deaths than last spring. Children were sent to school for one day before the necessary ‘lockdown’ was reimposed. The impulse to keep schools...

What makes fake news feel true when it isn

What makes fake news feel true when it isn’t? For one thing, hearing it over and over again: "The more often participants had heard a statement, the more likely they were to attribute it to Consumer Reports rather than the National Enquirer." Key features of effective fake news - should you want to...

Blockchain, the amazing solution for almost nothing: Blockchain technology is going to change everything: the shipping industry,

Blockchain, the amazing solution for almost nothing: Blockchain technology is going to change everything: the shipping industry, the financial system, government … in fact, what won’t it change? But enthusiasm for it mainly stems from a lack of knowledge and understanding. The blockchain is a solution...

“In essence Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) is a simple idea: people have limited capacity for processing information; by

“In essence Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) is a simple idea: people have limited capacity for processing information; by designing learning experiences and materials in a way that respects those limitations, we can improve the process. “Though there is nothing fundamentally wrong with this idea,...

Open source sustainability has been nothing short of an oxymoron. Engineers around the world pour their sweat and frankly,

Open source sustainability has been nothing short of an oxymoron. Engineers around the world pour their sweat and frankly, their hearts into these passion projects that undergird all software in the modern internet economy. In exchange, they ask for nothing in return except for recognition and help…

New Nutrition Study Changes Nothing : Why the science of healthy eating appears confusing—but isn’t

New Nutrition Study Changes Nothing : Why the science of healthy eating appears confusing—but isn’t

Netflix vegan hit What the Health serves up lots of bad science: Campaigning vegans will change nothing if they embrace

Netflix vegan hit What the Health serves up lots of bad science: Campaigning vegans will change nothing if they embrace bad science and conspiracy theories when making the health case for their diet, says Anthony Warner

40,000 Brits die every year from air pollution, yet there's nothing about it in the Tory manifesto: The Conservative manifesto

40,000 Brits die every year from air pollution, yet there's nothing about it in the Tory manifesto: The Conservative manifesto has confirmed what many have feared for a long time: Tories are unable to be serious about air quality.  In the 88-page document, which will set out the direction of Theresa...

How Airlines Use Facebook Bots.: It’s nothing new — Big companies such as Starbucks, CNN, Microsoft, Tommy Hilfiger,

How Airlines Use Facebook Bots.: It’s nothing new — Big companies such as Starbucks, CNN, Microsoft, Tommy Hilfiger, KIA, Pizza Hut and Co are making use of bots to support…

"The Future of Authorship: Dismayed by the loss of trust in facts, and seeming preference for half-truths that appears to

"The Future of Authorship: Dismayed by the loss of trust in facts, and seeming preference for half-truths that appears to be driving our political present, Robert Harington decided to catch up on his reading over the weeked" ... and describes reaching audiences with video and YouTube especially. Nothing...

"Radar and Under-Bed Sensors Help Evaluate Health of Elderly Folks |: Researchers at the University of Missouri have been

"Radar and Under-Bed Sensors Help Evaluate Health of Elderly Folks |: Researchers at the University of Missouri have been testing the usefulness of contact-free sensors for evaluating the health of elderly people living in a retirement community." The sensors are nothing new and the work is published...

A History of Nothing: An animated look at the history of zero.

A History of Nothing: An animated look at the history of zero.

Gluten-free sports diets do nothing, study suggests: In healthy, non-celiac athletes, gluten made no difference in digestion

Gluten-free sports diets do nothing, study suggests: In healthy, non-celiac athletes, gluten made no difference in digestion or workouts.

The 'Good Right' isn't caring. It just knows what's good for you: Each term, my 12-year-old daughter’s class has a “topic”.

The 'Good Right' isn't caring. It just knows what's good for you: Each term, my 12-year-old daughter’s class has a “topic”. The topics display the interests of her teachers. Last term it was “poverty in our back yard”. This term they are lamenting the plight of girls around the world who do...

The mandatory criminal courts charge needs to be urgently reviewed: During my 18 years on the bench, I have known nothing

The mandatory criminal courts charge needs to be urgently reviewed: During my 18 years on the bench, I have known nothing cause as much angst and concern among magistrates as the mandatory criminal courts charge. This seismic change to the criminal justice system, which came into effect on 13 April,...