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showing posts for 'iterative'

Phrase of the day: Scaling Kubernetes to 7,500 Nodes

Scaling Kubernetes to 7,500 Nodes: We've scaled Kubernetes clusters to 7,500 nodes, producing a scalable infrastructure for large models like GPT-3, CLIP, and DALLĀ·E, but also for rapid small-scale iterative research such as Scaling Laws for Neural Language Models. Scaling a single Kubernetes cluster...

Current themes and challenges facing HPE accreditation in the 21st century

A supplement in BMC Medical Education on Health Professional Education accreditation from the community of practice The International Health Professions Accreditation Outcomes Consortium (IFPAOC) - which was founded in 2012. This supplement focuses on graduate and residency programmes but it also addresses...

Reflection revisited: how physicians conceptualize and experience reflection in professional practice - a qualitative study:

Reflection revisited: how physicians conceptualize and experience reflection in professional practice - a qualitative study: For the purpose of continuous performance improvement, physicians are expected to reflect on their practice. While many reflection studies are theoretically oriented and often...