Stephen Casper - medical historian at Clarkson University - offers a worrying prediction for COVID for the end of 2022. The analogy for COVID-19 won't be influenza but 'tuberculosis before the discovery of antibiotics'. A new hospital specialty might even exist - looking after COVID patients - and they...
"It was predicted in March 2020 that in response to covid-19 a broad lockdown, as opposed to a focus on shielding the most vulnerable members of society, would reduce immediate demand for ICU beds at the cost of more deaths long term. The optimal strategy for saving lives in a covid-19 epidemic is different...
Tylenol for Flu Symptoms Might Not Be Helpful: By Kelly Young
Edited by André Sofair, MD, MPH, and William E. Chavey, MD, MS
Acetaminophen may not be much help for influenza, according to … NEJM Journal Watch.