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showing posts for 'immunotherapy'

Metabolic and immune effects of immunotherapy with proinsulin peptide in human new-onset type 1 diabetes: Immunotherapy

Metabolic and immune effects of immunotherapy with proinsulin peptide in human new-onset type 1 diabetes: Immunotherapy using peptides has been successful for some patients with allergies, but has not yet been deployed in autoimmune diseases, which may involve greater safety risks. Alhadj Ali et al ....

Skin cancer: Pair of drugs 'eliminate 20% of tumours' - BBC News: A fifth of people with advanced melanoma have no sign

Skin cancer: Pair of drugs 'eliminate 20% of tumours' - BBC News: A fifth of people with advanced melanoma have no sign of tumours in their body after treatment with a pair of immunotherapy drugs, a study shows.

Dramatic remissions in blood cancer in immunotherapy treatment trial | KurzweilAI

Dramatic remissions in blood cancer in immunotherapy treatment trial | KurzweilAI