What Public Health Practitioners Need to Know About Unhealthy IndustryTactics. Attack legitimate science. e.g. Accuse science of deception, calling it “junk science” or “bad science,” claiming science is manipulated to fulfill a political agenda. Attack and intimidate the scientists. e.g. Create...
Source: aphapublications.org
"Air pollution is one of the biggest environmental threats to human health, alongside climate change. New guidelines provide clear evidence of the damage air pollution inflicts on human health, at even lower concentrations than previously understood." "Global assessments of ambient air pollution alone...
Source: who.int
“Towards a dementia-inclusive society: WHO toolkit for dementia-friendly initiatives”, launched today, is WHO’s latest response for establishing and scaling-up dementia-friendly initiatives globally. The toolkit helps countries raise public awareness and understanding of dementia to support people...
Source: who.int
Peak meat: is veganism the future?: Marco Springmann, a public health expert, tells Anushka Asthana why cutting out animal products is the best route to a healthy diet – and why veganism is good for the planet. Part of a Guardian Podcast. "Veganism is having a moment. From ‘Veganuary’ promotions...
Source: theguardian.com
Amol Rajan's 9 media predictions for 2020: Could we see streamageddon, eco-browsing, the break-up of Amazon and a new owner for ITV? "The data shows we really are living through the most extraordinarily peaceful, prosperous, wealthy, healthy, safe period in human history. There is strong evidence to...
Source: bbc.com
Fish oil for a healthy heart 'nonsense': The evidence around omega-3 supplements is flimsy at best, say experts.
Source: bbc.com
New Nutrition Study Changes Nothing : Why the science of healthy eating appears confusing—but isn’t
Source: theatlantic.com
Treatment for hypertension in adults aged 18 to 59 years | Cochrane "Antihypertensive drugs used to treat predominantly healthy adults aged 18 to 59 years with mild to moderate primary hypertension have a small absolute effect to reduce cardiovascular mortality and morbidity primarily due to reduction...
Source: cochrane.org
Coconut oil 'as unhealthy as beef fat and butter' - BBC News: It is packed with saturated fat which can raise "bad" cholesterol and pose a heart risk, say US experts.
Source: bbc.co.uk
Unhealthy Britain: half of adults walk less than a mile a day – survey: Poll commissioned by Cancer Research UK finds 52% of adults walk only 2,000 steps a day, figures described as ‘worrying’ and likely to increase cancer risk
Source: theguardian.com
40,000 Brits die every year from air pollution, yet there's nothing about it in the Tory manifesto: The Conservative manifesto has confirmed what many have feared for a long time: Tories are unable to be serious about air quality. In the 88-page document, which will set out the direction of Theresa...
Source: independent.co.uk
'7lbs in 7 days' retreat at Juicy Oasis Feb 20-27th 2016. Blog about the retreat. Just returned from a week at Juicy Oasis in Portugal - a health and spa retreat based on a juicing diet run by Jason Vale. It was a lovely sunny escape from the February cold and rain in the UK. The main features were...
Source: google.com
What's 'Healthy'? What's 'Natural'?: Consumers, food companies, and lawyers are curious.
Source: theatlantic.com
Varied diet (or the means to afford a varied diet) is healthy for you.
"Dietary Diversity, Diet Cost, and Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes in the United Kingdom: A Prospective Cohort Study: Using a large prospective cohort, Annalijn Conklin and colleagues investigate the association between dietary diversity...
Source: plos.org
Wellcome Image Awards 2016 Winners Announced |: Pathways of nerve fibres in the brain of a young healthy adult (viewed from behind). Different parts of the brain communicate with each other through these
Source: medgadget.com
Gluten-free sports diets do nothing, study suggests: In healthy, non-celiac athletes, gluten made no difference in digestion or workouts.
Source: arstechnica.com
Can owning a cat lead to less stress? Results of a study from Cornwall College Newquay supports the body of evidence that shows cats can be a healthy pleasure, particularly for owners who have had their cats longer than 2 years.
Source: cornwall.ac.uk
Making healthy foods the default menu dupes people into eating better: In theme park experiment, Disney got guinea pig guests to swap fries for fruit.
Source: arstechnica.com
Study: Stress at Work Is Shortening Your Life: Researchers found that unhealthy workplaces can affect mortality.
Source: theatlantic.com
Processed meats pose same cancer risk as smoking and asbestos, reports say: WHO expected to highlight dangers of bacon, sausages, ham and burgers – and even fresh red meat is to be listed as unhealthy
Source: theguardian.com