UK's National Graphene Institute in Revolt After Foreign Tech Grab: Researchers at the UK's NGI won't work at the new facilty for fear that their research will be pilfered
A wholesale power grab: how the UK government is handing housing over to private developers: The new housing and planning bill is a raft of dangerous measures that will increase inequality and solely benefit the private sector
Why It's Such a Big Deal That Mainstream Glucometers are Going Wireless |: In recent months the two largest glucose meter companies quietly released products that signal a tectonic shift in diabetes care. They didn't grab many hea
Don't believe the headlines, as a doctor my job isn't to deny care to those with suspected cancer: A day doesn't seem to go by without a little “GP bashing”. Lazy, workshy, money grabbing, I've heard it all. Naturally I'd refute that. Over breakfast this morning I was greeted with the headline:...