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showing posts for 'gate'

Sustained decrease in latent safety threats through regular interprofessional in situ simulation training of neonatal emergencies

Simulation training at trainees' actual workplace offers benefits over traditional simulation-based team training. We prospectively investigated whether regular in situ simulation training of neonatal emergencies in an interprofessional and interdisciplinary team could be used to identify and rectif...

These six questions will dictate the future of generative AI

Generative AI took the world by storm in 2023. Its future—and ours—will be shaped by what we do next. TL;DR 1. Will we ever mitigate the bias problem? (Probably) 2. How will AI change the way we apply copyright? (A lot) 3. How will it change our jobs? (Maybe not as much as feared but things will...

Remembering the people

blog post image Please suggest some technology that might help ... but remind me who you are first. What do you use to keep track of everyone that you work with, live near, party with, study with, or just share time with? Mere humans can only maintain about 150 close relationships (Dunbar's number) so just wondering...

Mind-controlled wheelchairs let people dodge obstacles with ease Nature 2022.

A brain—machine interface allows people with paralysis in all four limbs to navigate a real-world environment. A brain—machine interface allows people with paralysis in all four limbs to navigate a real-world environment.

Global Lessons from Exposing War Abuses in Yemen

Open source tools like the Yemeni Archive allow investigative journalists to track Saudi airstrikes in order to interrogate what is happening on the ground in Yemen.

The Lyonesse Project: a study of the coastal and marine environment of the Isles of Scilly (OASIS ID cornwall2-58903)

This project was commissioned by English Heritage and carried out between 2009 and 2013 by Historic Environment Projects, Cornwall Council with a team of specialists from Aberystwyth, Cardiff, Exeter and Plymouth Universities, English Heritage's Scientific Dating Team, volunteers and local experts and...

A father and son's Ice Age plot to slow Siberian thaw

A father and son are bringing bison and camels - maybe eventually a mammoth - to the Russian Arctic to slow global warming. Some research shows it's working.

How Beijing humbled Britain's mighty HSBC

The bank got in trouble over a high-stakes U.S.-China legal clash. In the past two years, Chinese state-owned firms have ended or cut back business with HSBC.

Bill Gates' next generation nuclear reactor to be built in Wyoming

Billionaire Bill Gates' advanced nuclear reactor company TerraPower LLC and PacifiCorp (PPWLO.PK) have selected Wyomingto launch the first Natrium reactor project on the site of a retiring coal plant, the state's governor said on Wednesday.

No Evidence That Associations Between Adolescents' Digital Technology Engagement and Mental Health Problems Have Increased

Digital technology is ubiquitous in modern adolescence, and researchers are concerned that it has negative impacts on mental health that, furthermore, increase over time. To investigate whether technology is becoming more harmful, we examined changes in associations between technology engagement and...

Use of 360° virtual reality video in medical obstetrical education: a quasi-experimental design Vera Arents. Pieter C.

Background Video-based teaching has been part of medical education for some time but 360° videos using a virtual reality (VR) device are a new medium that offer extended possibilities. We investigated whether adding a 360° VR video to the internship curriculum leads to an improvement of long-term recall...

Effectiveness of a serious game addressing guideline adherence: cohort study with 1.5-year follow-up Tobias Raupach. Insa

Background Patients presenting with acute shortness of breath and chest pain should be managed according to guideline recommendations. Serious games can be used to train clinical reasoning. However, only few studies have used outcomes beyond student satisfaction, and most of the published evidence is...

How a coronavirus variant tore into an English island - and the world.

Genomic scientists raced against time to find out what was causing the deadly surge in cases despite a national lockdown.

UK businesses caught buying five-star Google reviews

Consumer group Which? staged a sting operation to investigate fake Google reviews in the UK.

Declining Life Expectancy in the United States

This Viewpoint reviews the social and economic drivers of declines in longevity in the US, especially among lower socioeconomic status groups, and proposes policy options for the Biden-Harris administration to mitigate the trend, including an increase in the federally mandated minimum wage. Atheendar...

3D Scene Understanding with TensorFlow 3D

Posted by Alireza Fathi, Research Scientist and Rui Huang, AI Resident, Google Research "The growing ubiquity of 3D sensors (e.g., Lidar, depth sensing cameras and radar) over the last few years has created a need for scene understanding technology that can process the data these devices capture. Such...

The Plastic Pandemic: COVID-19 trashed the recycling dream: Recyclers struggle as oil world invests hundreds of billions

The Plastic Pandemic: COVID-19 trashed the recycling dream: Recyclers struggle as oil world invests hundreds of billions to make new plastic

Effects of a quasi-experimental study of using flipped classroom approach to teach evidence-based medicine to medical technology

Effects of a quasi-experimental study of using flipped classroom approach to teach evidence-based medicine to medical technology students: Flipped classroom is known to improve learning efficiency and to develop one’s ability to apply high-level knowledge. To investigate the effect of flipped classroom...

Moore's outcomes framework and related papers

blog post image Outcomes-based planning for CME (Continuing Medical Education) often cites Donald Moore, Professor of Medical Education at Vanderbilt University. In 2009 he published an outcomes framework for CME (1) - which expanded George Miller's 1990 competency pyramid (2) - followed by a more detailed explanation...

A Promising Solar Energy Breakthrough Just Achieved 1,000-Degree Heat From Sunlight: A new startup backed by Bill Gates

A Promising Solar Energy Breakthrough Just Achieved 1,000-Degree Heat From Sunlight: A new startup backed by Bill Gates says it has managed to harness solar energy to greater effect than ever before, generating enough heat from a field of mirrored panels to drive the production of cement, steel and glass...