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showing posts for 'exploit'

PAIRED: A New Multi-agent Approach for Adversarial Environment Generation

This Google AI blog describes a method for machine learning using paired agents. The gap between the one that did the best and the one that did the worst is regret. That feeling of 'could have done' better is what pushes the 'unsupervised environment design' algorithm towards a better solution. "The...

How to poison the data that Big Tech uses to surveil you

Algorithms are meaningless without good data. The public can exploit that to demand change.

CISA: Chinese state hackers are exploiting F5, Citrix, Pulse Secure, and Exchange bugs | ZDNet

CISA: Chinese state hackers are exploiting F5, Citrix, Pulse Secure, and Exchange bugs | ZDNet

Seaweed: The food and fuel of the future?: The farming of seaweed is accelerating as firms exploit its fast growth and green

Seaweed: The food and fuel of the future?: The farming of seaweed is accelerating as firms exploit its fast growth and green credentials.

Are you a populist right wing conservative? Have you been hooked recently?

If I wanted to find those who have a "conservative ideology" - so that I could share my views or influence them - I would do the following: set up a new account and start making contactsshare several of those technology scare hoax stories that you see posted e.g. Dance of the Pope virus video, the Andrea...

A kauri tree stump is kept alive by its neighbours through hydraulic coupling. Forests should be viewed as living organisms.

A kauri tree stump is kept alive by its neighbours through hydraulic coupling. Forests should be viewed as living organisms. "Trees are commonly regarded as distinct entities, but the roots of many species fuse to form natural root grafts allowing the exchange of water, carbon, mineral nutrients, and...

UK needs to act urgently to secure NHS data for British public, report warns: Algorithms based on NHS records could seed

UK needs to act urgently to secure NHS data for British public, report warns: Algorithms based on NHS records could seed an ‘entirely new industry’ in AI-based diagnostics and mint billions for tech companies, strategic review reveals. "Sir John Bell, a professor of medicine at Oxford university...

"Inside Amazon's clickworker platform: How half a million people are being paid pennies to train AI - TechRepublic: Internet

"Inside Amazon's clickworker platform: How half a million people are being paid pennies to train AI - TechRepublic: Internet platforms like Amazon Mechanical Turk let companies break jobs into smaller tasks and offer them to people across the globe. But, do they democratize work or exploit the disempowered?"...

Firefox zero-day can be used to unmask Tor browser users: The exploit code is reportedly a near match to the code used by

Firefox zero-day can be used to unmask Tor browser users: The exploit code is reportedly a near match to the code used by the FBI in 2013 to deanonymize Tor users; Mozilla is aware of the zero-day and is working on a fix.

Good read. Animal Liberation by Peter Singer. A powerful book on animal rights written 40 years ago (updated 20 years ago

Good read. Animal Liberation by Peter Singer. A powerful book on animal rights written 40 years ago (updated 20 years ago and re-issued recently with an introduction by Yuval Hariri) and having stood the test of time and debate. It is called 'the bible' of the animal rights movement and rightly so ......