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showing posts for 'errors'

9 errors of judgement about the pandemic

America Is Trapped in a Pandemic Spiral: As the U.S. heads toward the winter, the country is going round in circles, making the same conceptual errors that have plagued it since spring.

Better wisdom from crowds: MIT scholars produce new method of harvesting correct answers from groups. “A new technique

Better wisdom from crowds: MIT scholars produce new method of harvesting correct answers from groups. “A new technique [described in 2017] can better extract correct answers from large groups of people. For a given question, people are asked two things: What they think the right answer is, and what...

Using a videogame to facilitate nursing and medical students' first visit to the operating theatre. A randomized controlled

Using a videogame to facilitate nursing and medical students' first visit to the operating theatre. A randomized controlled trial. - PubMed - NCBI "A videogame was developed, combining pictures and short videos, by which students are interactively instructed on acting at the surgical block. Moreover,...

8 Fatal Interaction Errors That Kill eLearning - PulseLearning: Want to know how the way you use eLearning interactivity

8 Fatal Interaction Errors That Kill eLearning - PulseLearning: Want to know how the way you use eLearning interactivity can leave your content for dead? Check 8 fatal Interaction Errors That Kill eLearning.