A kauri tree stump is kept alive by its neighbours through hydraulic coupling. Forests should be viewed as living organisms. "Trees are commonly regarded as distinct entities, but the roots of many species fuse to form natural root grafts allowing the exchange of water, carbon, mineral nutrients, and...
Source: cell.com
What do Japanese residents learn from treating dying patients? The implications for training in end-of-life care: How medical residents’ experiences with care for dying patients affect their emotional well-being, their learning outcomes, and the formation of their professional identities is not fully...
Source: biomedcentral.com
Coming back from the edge: a qualitative study of a professional support unit for junior doctors: It is known that many trainee doctors around the world experience work satisfaction but also considerable work stress in the training period. Such stress seems to be linked to multiple factors including...
Source: biomedcentral.com
Community detection, link prediction, and layer interdependence in multilayer networks. "Complex systems are often characterized by distinct types of interactions between the same entities. These can be described as a multilayer network where each layer represents one type of interaction. These layers...
Source: aps.org
Scientific Reports Overtakes PLOS ONE As Largest Megajournal - The Scholarly Kitchen: The open access megajournal is a proven success, but its future may lie in the hands of commercial entities.
Source: sspnet.org
Brexit and Trump explained and how (liberal) globalists have probably got it wrong. "When and Why Nationalism Beats Globalism: And how moral psychology can help explain and reduce tensions between the two. ... ... globalists often support high levels of immigration and reductions in
national sovereignty;...
Source: the-american-interest.com
United States Geological Survey confirms it: Fracking causes earthquakes | ExtremeTech: Entities all around the world, from cities to whole countries, have issued moratoria on fracking pending conclusive evidence of its risks. Well, some of that evidence is in: fracking causes earthquakes.
Source: extremetech.com