Fewer women than men pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), despite girls outperforming boys at school in the relevant subjects. According to the ‘variability hypothesis’, this over-representation of males is driven by gender differences in variance; greater male...
Source: nature.com
What Public Health Practitioners Need to Know About Unhealthy IndustryTactics. Attack legitimate science. e.g. Accuse science of deception, calling it “junk science” or “bad science,” claiming science is manipulated to fulfill a political agenda. Attack and intimidate the scientists. e.g. Create...
Source: aphapublications.org
Building upon recent work on other major fossil fuel companies, we report new archival research and primary source interviews describing how Total responded to evolving climate science and policy in the last 50 years. We show that Total personnel received warnings of the potential for catastrophic global...
Source: sciencedirect.com
Two reports from MPs cast doubt on the government's approach to meeting its climate change goals.
Source: bbc.com
How the oil industry made us doubt climate change: Energy companies stand accused of trying to downplay their contribution to global warming.
Source: bbc.co.uk
Consent issues about Google DeepMind raised after leaked letter but its analysis of 1.6 million patient records to identify those at risk of acute renal failure seems to be covered by 'implied consent'. "Google DeepMind patient app legality questioned. A leaked letter throws doubt on the legal basis...
Source: bbc.co.uk
E-learning predictions for 2017. Joining the folly of futurists and pollsters here are my e-learning predictions for 2017. I'm looking forward to engaging with as many of them as I can. Conversational technology. Why not have immediate access and personal learning support on platforms through messaging...
Source: agnate.co.uk
Airplane crew doubted black doctor’s credibility during inflight emergency - Hospital Dr
Source: hospitaldr.co.uk
Gliptins and Cardiovascular Outcomes: A Comparative and Critical Analysis after TECOS: The issue related to macrovascular outcomes and intensive glycemic control was hotly debated after the publication of landmark trials like ACCORD, ADVANCE, and VADT. The only benefits seem to come from intervening...
Source: hindawi.com