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showing posts for 'doctor-patient'

The DPCC-MS communication skills competency instrument. A simple 5 item instrument. "Validation of the 5-item doctor-patient

The DPCC-MS communication skills competency instrument. A simple 5 item instrument. "Validation of the 5-item doctor-patient communication competency instrument for medical students (DPCC-MS) using two years of assessment data: Medical students on clinical rotations have to be assessed on several competencies...

Denying patients NHS treatment based on lifestyle factors is not conducive to a good doctor-patient relationship. In response

Denying patients NHS treatment based on lifestyle factors is not conducive to a good doctor-patient relationship. In response to the Hertfordshire Valley CCG’s decision to restrict access to routine surgery until morbidly obese patients have lost weight, or smokers have given up, as discussed...