What If Everyone Ate Beans Instead of Beef?: What can an individual do about climate change? One dietary change could go a long way.
Source: theatlantic.com
Long term gluten consumption in adults without celiac disease and risk of coronary heart disease: prospective cohort study: Objective To examine the association of long term intake of gluten with the development of incident coronary heart disease.
Design Prospective cohort study.
Setting and participants...
Source: bmj.com
'7lbs in 7 days' retreat at Juicy Oasis Feb 20-27th 2016. Blog about the retreat. Just returned from a week at Juicy Oasis in Portugal - a health and spa retreat based on a juicing diet run by Jason Vale. It was a lovely sunny escape from the February cold and rain in the UK. The main features were...
Source: google.com
Varied diet (or the means to afford a varied diet) is healthy for you.
"Dietary Diversity, Diet Cost, and Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes in the United Kingdom: A Prospective Cohort Study: Using a large prospective cohort, Annalijn Conklin and colleagues investigate the association between dietary diversity...
Source: plos.org
Vegetarian Dietary Patterns and the Risk of Colorectal Cancers: Colorectal cancers are a leading cause of cancer mortality, and their primary prevention by diet is highly desirable. The relationship of vegetarian dietary patterns to colorectal cancer risk is not well established.To evaluate the association...
Source: nih.gov
Great read! We can eat almost anything, but we are uncertain what we should eat. This omnivore's dilemma has not only vexed our ancestors trying to avoid poisonous foods it continues to occupy much of our time. We seem incapable of deciding what to have for lunch without consulting to dietary guidelines,...
Source: amazon.co.uk
Could this evidence suggest dietary guidelines work or is there something else going on in Japan? "Quality of diet and mortality among Japanese men and women: Japan Public Health Center based prospective study" Kayo Kurotani. Shamima Akter. Ikuko Kashino. Atsushi Goto. Tetsuya Mizoue. Mitsuhiko Noda....
Source: bmj.com
Moving Beyond “Food Deserts”: Reorienting United States Policies to Reduce Disparities in Diet Quality: Jason Block and S. V. Subramanian explore avenues for improving the health of Americans through reducing dietary inequalities and look at whether concern over "food deserts" has been taken too...
Source: plos.org
How Dietary Supplement Complications Present in the Emergency Department: By Joe Elia
Edited by Susan Sadoughi, MD, and Richard Saitz, MD, MPH, FACP, FASAM
Dietary supplements — herbals, vitamins, and minerals — account for some 23,000 emergency visits annually in the U.S., according to an analysis...
Source: jwatch.org