Edtech is so widespread, we already need more consumer-friendly nomenclature to describe the products, services and tools it encompasses. I
Source: globalresearchsyndicate.com
Consumer group Which? staged a sting operation to investigate fake Google reviews in the UK.
Source: bbc.com
The Bank of Italy said on Monday a set of experimental indicators it created from the content of millions of tweets accurately tracked consumer mood on price, offering scope for a powerful new monetary policy tool.
Source: reuters.com
What makes fake news feel true when it isn’t? For one thing, hearing it over and over again: "The more often participants had heard a statement, the more likely they were to attribute it to Consumer Reports rather than the National Enquirer." Key features of effective fake news - should you want to...
Source: niemanlab.org
Putting a leash on Google and Facebook won’t do much to save the traditional news model: "Social media and search give advertisers better tools to target messages to more precise groups of potential consumers. It is a phenomenally better mousetrap."
Source: niemanlab.org
Cognii Virtual Learning Assistant designed and optimized for educational conversation. "Virtual assistants and chat bots such as Siri, Alexa, Cortana and Google Assistant are an increasingly familiar products, simulating human to human interaction with the use of Artificial Intelligence. But these are...
Source: cognii.com
The European Union’s new data privacy rules will make companies worldwide clean up their online security, or else: "Sweeping reforms are set to take charge of European consumers' online privacy and data concerns next spring, but the impact could be global — and a huge win for consumer privacy advocates....
Source: niemanlab.org
3 Reasons Why 2017 Is The Year Of The Chatbot – Chatbots Magazine: When the Internet was first marketed for consumer use through companies like America Online, society was buzzing about how cool it was to…
Source: chatbotsmagazine.com
What Happened When We Took the SCiO Food Analyzer Grocery Shopping: Who needs infrared spectrometers in their phones? People who hate buying tasteless produce or mystery cheese
Source: ieee.org
Deep Learning Reinvents the Hearing Aid: Finally, wearers of hearing aids can pick out a voice in a crowded room
Source: ieee.org
This Smart Watch Will Charge Itself Using Heat From Your Skin: Matrix Industries comes out of stealth today to say that wearables can—and should—power themselves
Source: ieee.org
What's 'Healthy'? What's 'Natural'?: Consumers, food companies, and lawyers are curious.
Source: theatlantic.com
"No, a rat study with marginal results does not prove that cell phones cause cancer, no matter what Mother Jones and Consumer Reports say"
Source: sciencebasedmedicine.org
Ultrathin Stick-On Device Measures, Displays Blood Oxygen Concentration |: Fitness trackers are exceptionally popular nowadays with consumers, though they're still pretty basic in their abilities. Even the more capable heart rate
Source: medgadget.com
Fast food may expose consumers to phthalates: reported fast food intake, the type of fast food they ate and the fat content of their food over the previous 24 hours. The surveys also included objective measurements of chemicals in urine samples.
Source: reuters.com
Massive News: Kilogram Redefinition Heads Into Crucial Test: Superprecise standard masses are on their way to Paris for a critical weigh-in
Source: ieee.org
The rise of the robots
Excellent read but of a gloomy dystopian future where robots and software take over manual tasks (as they already have done) and also skilled labour displacing even highly skilled jobs in time. Healthcare might survive a little longer but physicians assistants empowered by...
Source: amazon.co.uk
The state of gaming in 2016: Here’s what to expect | ExtremeTech: As the year comes to a close, our focus shifts to 2016. The consoles have a solid install base new, long-awaited VR helmets are making their way into the hands of consumers, and we're finally seeing new games instead of just sequels....
Source: extremetech.com
Social-media news consumers at higher risk of ‘information bubbles’ | KurzweilAI
Source: kurzweilai.net