A supplement in BMC Medical Education on Health Professional Education accreditation from the community of practice The International Health Professions Accreditation Outcomes Consortium (IFPAOC) - which was founded in 2012. This supplement focuses on graduate and residency programmes but it also addresses...
Source: biomedcentral.com
Performance of China’s new medical licensing examination for rural general practice: To evaluate the performance of China’s new medical licensing examination (MLE) for rural general practice, which determines the number of qualified doctors who can provide primary care for China’s rural residents,...
Source: biomedcentral.com
Outcomes-based planning for CME (Continuing Medical Education) often cites Donald Moore, Professor of Medical Education at Vanderbilt University. In 2009 he published an outcomes framework for CME (1) - which expanded George Miller's 1990 competency pyramid (2) - followed by a more detailed explanation...
Source: agnate.co.uk
ILAE (International League Against Epilepsy) publishes a Roadmap for a competency-based educational curriculum in epileptology. "After extensive consultation with its constituency and with educational experts, the ILAE decided to systematically address the educational pathways required for the optimum...
Source: ilae.org
The DPCC-MS communication skills competency instrument. A simple 5 item instrument. "Validation of the 5-item doctor-patient communication competency instrument for medical students (DPCC-MS) using two years of assessment data: Medical students on clinical rotations have to be assessed on several competencies...
Source: biomedcentral.com
Could analysing personalised learning be better matched if physicians are first classified into competency groups? Using latent class analysis to identify physician competency reveals four distinct subgroups in this cross-sectional study in China. The survey tool is large at over 100 items long but included...
Source: biomedcentral.com
Continuing professional development: progress beyond continuing medical education: Continuing medical education (CME) is rapidly evolving into competency-based continuing professional development (CPD) and this is driving change in self-directed CPD programs undertaken by individual practitioners as...
Source: amegroups.com
Learning Objects Debuts Competency-Based Education Platform -- Campus Technology: The new Competency-Based Learning Platform from Learning Objects supports flipped, fully online, blended and face-to-face instruction.
Source: campustechnology.com