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showing posts for 'clinics'

Two questions may be enough - screening for depression in patients with psoriasis

Two questions may be enough - screening for depression in patients with psoriasis: a multicenter study - PubMed: In specialized psoriatic outpatient clinics, a BDI-II score ≥ 13 was present in almost every fourth patient despite a low median PASI. The Whooley questions might be easy to use as a screening...

Could deep learning AI be used to screen TIA clinic referral letters? Possibly.

blog post image Could deep learning AI be used to screen TIA clinic referral letters? Possibly. Stroke prevention clinics (TIA or Transient Ischaemic Attack) clinics are an important aspect of urgent care. A TIA is a risk factor for future stroke. Medical treatment needs to be started quickly and surgical options, if...

AI Medicine Comes to Africa’s Rural Clinics: Smartphone-based diagnostic tools with an artificial intelligence upgrade

AI Medicine Comes to Africa’s Rural Clinics: Smartphone-based diagnostic tools with an artificial intelligence upgrade could save millions of lives

ClinicFinder App for displaced people finding healthcare in Europe. Doctors of the World have released an App for those

ClinicFinder App for displaced people finding healthcare in Europe. Doctors of the World have released an App for those with the most need, the least information, and who find themselves in Europe. It is aimed at refugees and migrants and helps them find free primary healthcare and emergency services. There...

Clinician Computer Use in Safety-Net Clinics Might Disrupt Communication with Patients: By Jenni Whalen Edited by David

Clinician Computer Use in Safety-Net Clinics Might Disrupt Communication with Patients: By Jenni Whalen Edited by David G. Fairchild, MD, MPH, and Jaye Elizabeth Hefner, MD Frequent computer use by clinicians during patient visits in safety-net clinics might negatively affect communication and patient...

Retail clinics best used as backup to a patient's primary care physician: The American College of Physicians (ACP) today

Retail clinics best used as backup to a patient's primary care physician: The American College of Physicians (ACP) today said that retail health clinics - now commonly present in drugstores and/or big box retailers - are best used as a backup alternative to a patient's primary care physician for the...