Learning to Summarize with Human Feedback: We've applied reinforcement learning from human feedback to train language models that are better at summarization. Our models generate summaries that are better than summaries from 10x larger models trained only with supervised learning. Even though we train...
Source: openai.com
Essay by Audrey Watters on schools and the technology industry ... basically f**k the algorithm. "Robot Teachers, Racist Algorithms, and Disaster Pedagogy: I have volunteered to be a guest speaker in classes this Fall. It's really the least I can do to help teachers and students through another tough...
Source: hackeducation.com
Lions are less likely to attack cattle with eyes painted on their backsides: Many carnivores are ambush predators. Being seen by their prey can lead to them abandoning the hunt.
Source: theconversation.com
How novice and expert anaesthetists understand expertise in anaesthesia: a qualitative study: The development of expertise in anaesthesia requires personal contact between a mentor and a learner. Because mentors often are experienced clinicians, they may find it difficult to understand the challenges...
Source: biomedcentral.com
A comparison between the effectiveness of a gamified approach with the conventional approach in point-of-care ultrasonographic training: Although gamification increases user engagement, its effectiveness in point-of-care ultrasonographic training has yet to be fully established. This study was conducted...
Source: biomedcentral.com
"Pictured by Juno, churning clouds on Jupiter show not only mesmerizing complexity but some high-level, light-colored pop-up clouds. Understanding atmospheric dynamics on Jupiter gives valuable perspective to similar atmospheric and lightning phenomena that occur on our home Earth."
Source: nasa.gov
God Is Dead. So Is the Office. These People Want to Save Both: Divinity consultants are designing sacred rituals for corporations and their spiritually depleted employees.
Source: nytimes.com
Police Across Canada Are Using Predictive Policing Algorithms, Report Finds: Police across Canada are increasingly adopting algorithmic technology to predict crime. The authors of a new report say human rights are threatened by the practice.
Source: vice.com
Using Machine Learning to Detect Deficient Coverage in Colonoscopy Screenings: Posted by Daniel Freedman and Ehud Rivlin, Research Scientists, Google Health "In “Detecting Deficient Coverage in Colonoscopies”, we introduce the Colonoscopy Coverage Deficiency via Depth algorithm, or C2D2, a machine...
Source: googleblog.com
Comparison of E-Learning, M-Learning and Game-based Learning in Programming Education – A Gendered Analysis: Learning to code is considered as a difficult and challenging task for a significant number of novice programmers in programming education. Novice programmers have to acquire different skills...
Source: online-journals.org
Seaweed: The food and fuel of the future?: The farming of seaweed is accelerating as firms exploit its fast growth and green credentials.
Source: bbc.com
The new cultural norm: reasons why UK foundation doctors are choosing not to go straight into speciality training: The number of UK foundation doctors choosing to go straight into speciality training has fallen drastically over the last 10 years: We sought to explore and understand the reasons for...
Source: biomedcentral.com
Ways to prevent crime other than police and prisons: There are less harmful ways to stop a lot of crime from happening in the first place. Listen to Jennifer Doleac — Associate Professor of Economics at Texas A&M University, and Director of the Justice Tech Lab — is an expert on empirical research...
Source: 80000hours.org
The brewer and the slaver gang: Serendipity – I love it. I was searching for something else entirely when I came across this advertisement in a Kentucky newspaper, which is how I discovered that the first successful keg beer in B…
Source: zythophile.co.uk
Elevated CO2, increased leaf-level productivity, and water-use efficiency during the early Miocene: Abstract. Rising atmospheric CO2 is expected to increase global
temperatures, plant water-use efficiency, and carbon storage in the
terrestrial biosphere. A CO2 fertilization effect on terrestrial
Source: copernicus.org
Kenyans go hi-tech to save endangered Grevy’s zebra: Software analyses ’citizen scientist’ photos to automate census of rare zebra
Source: independent.co.uk
Covid-19 is becoming less deadly in Europe but we don't know why: It is becoming increasingly clear that people are less likely to die if they get covid-19 now compared with earlier in the pandemic, at least in Europe, but the reasons why are still shrouded in uncertainty
Source: newscientist.com
What makes fake news feel true when it isn’t? For one thing, hearing it over and over again: "The more often participants had heard a statement, the more likely they were to attribute it to Consumer Reports rather than the National Enquirer." Key features of effective fake news - should you want to...
Source: niemanlab.org
ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine prevents SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia in rhesus macaques: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) emerged in December 20191,2 and is responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic3. Vaccines are an essential countermeasure urgently needed to control the pandemic4. Here, we...
Source: nature.com
Just sent this to the undergraduate admissions team and the head of school at my old college. "To the admissions team Cardiff University School of Medicine. I write as an ex student of Cardiff School of Medicine having graduated in 1990. If you haven't already could I urge you to review all...