Teaching a difficult topic using a problem-based concept resembling a computer game: development and evaluation of an e-learning application for medical molecular genetics: E-learning through serious gaming. Teaching concepts such as genetic testing and the digital literacy required to analyse data can...
Source: biomedcentral.com
Google Parent Alphabet Reportedly in Talks to Acquire Fitbit - ExtremeTech: “The wearable business is apparently a tough nut to crack for any company not called Apple. Rumors began percolating several weeks back that Fitbit was putting itself up for sale, and now we know who its suitor might be.“...
Source: extremetech.com
Acute care toolkit 15: Managing acute medical problems in pregnancy: Pregnant women can present to any acute hospital service at any time during their pregnancy or the postpartum period, which is up to 12 months post-delivery.
Source: rcplondon.ac.uk
So What's the DEAL?: An Interview with Springer Nature's Dagmar Laging: An interview with Springer Nature's Dagmar Laging about the emerging transformative open access agreement with Germany's Projekt DEAL.
Source: sspnet.org
A Gentle Introduction to Joint, Marginal, and Conditional Probability: Probability quantifies the uncertainty of the outcomes of a random variable. It is relatively easy to understand and compute the probability for a single variable. Nevertheless, in machine learning, we often have many random variables...
Source: machinelearningmastery.com
Four Key Barriers to the Widespread Adoption of AI: There is a lot of buzz about the promise of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning—from self-driving cars to predicting heart attacks, AI is spreading like wildfire across industries, triggering a massive investment in talent as businesses...
Source: mit.edu
Are there automation-resistant intelligences? The question we all want to ask is 'will my job be taken over by a robot?' "Our model predicts that most workers in transportation and logistics occupations, together with the bulk of office and administrative support workers, and labour in production occupations,...
Source: ox.ac.uk
How a GPS bracelet is saving babies' lives: In rural Kenya, nomadic women can now get the maternal care they need - thanks to GPS.
Source: bbc.com
Great advice. Keep up to date with technology, increase your entrepreneurship and communication skills, and hire women. "Four Actions Engineers Can Take to Ensure Their Startup Succeeds: Venture advisor Chenyang Xu recommends staying up to date on technology and taking entrepreneurship classes."
Source: ieee.org
A kauri tree stump is kept alive by its neighbours through hydraulic coupling. Forests should be viewed as living organisms. "Trees are commonly regarded as distinct entities, but the roots of many species fuse to form natural root grafts allowing the exchange of water, carbon, mineral nutrients, and...
Source: cell.com
The AI That Could Help Curb Youth Suicide: For many reasons, parents and teachers may fail to intervene when they spot signs of trouble in LGBT teens. Can Google help?
Source: theatlantic.com
Intel’s Neuromorphic System Hits 8 Million Neurons, 100 Million Coming by 2020: The 64-chip Pohoiki Beach system is used by researchers to make systems that learn and see the world more like humans. "At the DARPA Electronics Resurgence Initiative Summit today in Detroit, Intel plans to unveil an 8-million-neuron...
Source: ieee.org
Thinking about the workforce of the future? Then I highly recommend this best-selling book by Adam Kay - a trainee doctor in the NHS having burnt-out in his training before becoming a fully qualified Obstetrician. It is important reading for anyone wondering how the world of busy medical staff could...
Source: twitter.com
Instead of building (only) strong relationships we should aim for many acquaintances. There is resilience for organisations and communities in these weak ties. Granovetter’s theory of the strength of weak ties.
Source: analytictech.com
Kenyan science teacher wins global prize: A science teacher who gives most of his salary to support poor pupils wins the Global Teacher Prize.
Source: bbc.com
Humanitarian health computing using artificial intelligence and social media: A narrative literature review. "The feasibility of using AI to extract valuable information during a
humanitarian health crisis is proven in many cases. There is a lack of
research on how to integrate the use of AI into...
Source: nih.gov
Wales' Brexit vote had deeper roots than many are willing to admit: Martin Johnes, Professor of History at Swansea University The Brexit vote was a profound shock to those who like to believe that Wales has a distinctive and progressive culture. It is little wonder that people looked for someone to...
Source: nation.cymru
Frailty predicts mortality in all emergency surgical admissions regardless of age. An observational study: “Frail patients in any age group are more likely to die than those that are not frail. We aimed to evaluate the impact of frailty on clinical mortality, readmission rate and length of stay for...
Source: oup.com
It feels as though we learn better via our preferred learning style, but we don’t: A new study helps explain the myth. "Consistent with past research on learning styles, the participants’
preferred learning style (verbal or pictorial) was not related in any
way to how well they recalled the pairs...
Source: bps.org.uk
"All forms of Brexit are bad for health, but some are worse than others. This paper builds on our 2017 analysis using the WHO health system building blocks framework to assess the likely effects of Brexit on the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK. We consider four possible scenarios as follows:...
Source: thelancet.com