Closing Knowledge Gaps to Optimize Patient Outcomes and Advance Precision Medicine. "Realizing the promise of precision medicine requires patient engagement
at the key decision points throughout the cancer journey. Previous
research has shown that patients who make the "right" decisions, such as
"All forms of Brexit are bad for health, but some are worse than others. This paper builds on our 2017 analysis using the WHO health system building blocks framework to assess the likely effects of Brexit on the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK. We consider four possible scenarios as follows:...
People in England will be presumed to consent to organ donation unless they opt out. Max and Keira's organ law set to pass. Moving piece about a donor and a recipient of organ transplantation. The evidence is clear that nudging choices by reframing them as opt out rather than opt in greatly increases...
Phrases of the day: selective exposure, selective perception, principles knowledge, vicarious trial, change agent, and cue-to-action. I’ve been reading Everett Rogers’ book Diffusion of Innovations with a ‘learning lens’ on. I’m fascinated that the adoption of innovations is so analogous to...
Word of the day: Bürolandschaft - Office landscape. What does this mean for the modern ‘internet of things’ workspace? Can good design and smart equipment work well together? Good to see that the ‘smart workplace’ is climbing the Gartner Hype Curve.
Breakthrough that literally opens up online learning? Using AI for free text input: When teachers ask learners whether they know something they rarely ask them multiple choice questions. Yet the MCQ remains the staple in on...
3 Food Sensors to Track Every Bite and Gulp - IEEE Spectrum
Screening for Osteoporosis to Prevent Fractures: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement: This 2018 Recommendation Statement from the US Preventive Services Task Force recommends screening for osteoporosis with bone measurement testing to prevent osteoporotic fractures in women 65...
Contact Lens Measures Glucose, pH, Lactate in Eye |: At Purdue University researchers have come up with a way of reliably attaching thin film sensors and other small electronic devices to soft contact
Millions of British children breathing toxic air, Unicef warns: More than 4.5 million affected, says UN group, while tests suggest children’s shorter height increases exposure on busy roads
Day 1431 - #thecrapartist - view from Kalamaki towards the mountains of Sparta across Kalamata bay, Greece. The crap artist has learnt much from this - use a bigger brush for a big mountain range, get the horizon straight, poplars grow vertically, the sea needs to be much more delicate as it looks stormy,...
Models of online & flexible learning - The Ed Techie An outline of the work done to develop conceptual models and current practice of how higher education institutions provide content, its delivery, and how the learner's work is recognised across the dimensions of openness and digitalisation - a...
Greenland ice cores track Roman lead pollution in year-by-year detail: Studying the ice cores may help reconstruct fluctuations in the ancient economy.
Smartphone System Detects Food Borne Pathogens |: At Purdue University, a team of engineers and food scientists has developed a smartphone-powered device, and accompanying underlying technology, for detecting food borne pathogenic bacteria.
On-site pathology testing in remote Australia benefits patients and cuts costs: Remote Australian Indigenous communities are benefiting from the use of portable, point of care testing devices to quickly diagnosis acutely ill patients. The devices are also helping healthcare staff identify patients who...
The words we use in Diabetes. A language matters booklet from NHS England introduced by Partha Kar about the choice of words when communicating with people about diabetes. Really nice piece of work explaining how to bring more empathy to your conversations and less stigma.
AGS/BGS Clinical Practice Guideline: Prevention of Falls in Older Persons - British Geriatrics Society
Simulation based education and expansive learning in health professional education: A discussion: The aim of this paper is to discuss the application of Simulation Based Education (SBE) in nursing and wider health professional education. Simulated Learning (SL) is discussed in relation to its history,...
How to make brain friendly learning that sticks (Expert interview): Discover what it takes to make brain-friendly learning with expert advice from Learning Psychologist, Stella Collins. Stella offers 6 ways you can work with the brain to help make learning stick. In summary: L - Linking (link to what...
Reflection revisited: how physicians conceptualize and experience reflection in professional practice - a qualitative study: For the purpose of continuous performance improvement, physicians are expected to reflect on their practice. While many reflection studies are theoretically oriented and often...