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showing posts for 'st'

Ten million lives saved by 1962 breakthrough, study says: Nearly 200 million cases of polio, measles, mumps, rubella, varicella,

Ten million lives saved by 1962 breakthrough, study says: Nearly 200 million cases of polio, measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, adenovirus, rabies and hepatitis A -- and approximately 450,000 deaths from these diseases -- were prevented in the US alone between 1963 and 2015 by vaccination, researchers...

Opinion paper summarising evidence published in JACC by a group of physicians reporting on food trends and heart health.

Opinion paper summarising evidence published in JACC by a group of physicians reporting on food trends and heart health. "Green leafy vegetables, blueberries, and plant proteins rise to the top of the physicians' recommendations for frequent food intake; coconut oil, palm oil, and antioxidant supplements...

Will a New Glass Battery Accelerate the End of Oil?: New low-cost, non-flammable, high-capacity, rapid-charging, solid state

Will a New Glass Battery Accelerate the End of Oil?: New low-cost, non-flammable, high-capacity, rapid-charging, solid state battery could pose threat to the internal combustion engine

The Trick Smoothies Play on the Stomach

The Trick Smoothies Play on the Stomach

Out of Africa: Notes from a visit to Kenya - John Kay: Financial services for a developing economy need to be established

Out of Africa: Notes from a visit to Kenya - John Kay: Financial services for a developing economy need to be established from the bottom up, not the top down.

Why are peer reviews private?: That is a question raised by the experience of a “rogue” neuroscientist profiled in Wired

Why are peer reviews private?: That is a question raised by the experience of a “rogue” neuroscientist profiled in Wired today: SAM NASTASE WAS taking a break from his lab work to peruse Twitter when he saw a tweet a…

Mobile-assisted Language Learning Using WeChat Instant Messaging: China has a long-standing problem in second-language education,

Mobile-assisted Language Learning Using WeChat Instant Messaging: China has a long-standing problem in second-language education, that is, the lack of communicative learning opportunities. This study attempts to solve the problem by introducing mobile-assisted language learning with WeChat instant messaging....

WHO: 12 Bacteria Families Urgently Require New Antibiotics: By Kelly Young Edited by David G. Fairchild, MD, MPH The

WHO: 12 Bacteria Families Urgently Require New Antibiotics: By Kelly Young Edited by David G. Fairchild, MD, MPH The World Health Organization has listed 12 families of bacteria that "pose the greatest threat to human health" because of resistance to … NEJM Journal Watch.

These Smart Glasses Automatically Adjust to Your Eyes: Flexible lenses and piezoelectric pistons in these smart glasses

These Smart Glasses Automatically Adjust to Your Eyes: Flexible lenses and piezoelectric pistons in these smart glasses keep the world in focus

South Africa may be the epicenter of a geomagnetic pole reversal in progress

Evidence suggests that the planet may be in the opening strains of a geomagnetic chicken dance, the likes of which we haven't seen for almost a million years. Don’t start running around like your hair’s on fire, but this might actually matter. The Earth’s magnetic field is so discombobulated over...

If you do one online course this year make it this one. Calling Bullshit. A course for students at University of Washington

If you do one online course this year make it this one. Calling Bullshit. A course for students at University of Washington but all materials will be online. Live and archived videos of lectures will be made available. "The world is awash in bullshit. Politicians are unconstrained by facts. Science...

Health care to comprise 20% of the US economy by 2025 « Healthcare Economist

Health care to comprise 20% of the US economy by 2025 « Healthcare Economist

How World War I Advanced Medicine: Advances during the “first mass killing of the 20th century” have saved countless

How World War I Advanced Medicine: Advances during the “first mass killing of the 20th century” have saved countless lives since.

High performance communication by people with paralysis using an intracortical brain-computer interface: People with various

High performance communication by people with paralysis using an intracortical brain-computer interface: People with various forms paralysis not only have difficulties getting around, but also are less able to use many communication technologies including computers. In particular, strokes, neurological...

Supply, Demand, and the Subscription Model in Scholarly Publishing - An Analysis - The Scholarly Kitchen: An overview of

Supply, Demand, and the Subscription Model in Scholarly Publishing - An Analysis - The Scholarly Kitchen: An overview of usage trends across libraries and journals indicates that usage is generally stable or up, archives remain of interest, and consumption doesn't align with authorship or funding.

The LMS Market is Quickly Losing Ground: Technological advancements have created a unique set of expectations for modern

The LMS Market is Quickly Losing Ground: Technological advancements have created a unique set of expectations for modern workers. And now, learning management systems, the undisputed Goliath of the corporate learning world, are having their lunch eaten by David.


Health apps could be doing more harm than good, warn scientists: App development likened to the ‘wild west’ as researchers

Health apps could be doing more harm than good, warn scientists: App development likened to the ‘wild west’ as researchers raise concerns over one-size-fits-all targets and absence of sound science

Testosterone and Male Aging: Faltering Hope for Rejuvenation: Hopes for hormonal rejuvenation appear periodically throughout

Testosterone and Male Aging: Faltering Hope for Rejuvenation: Hopes for hormonal rejuvenation appear periodically throughout history—with the most prominent attempt occurring around the turn of the 20th century only to vanish in the 1930s following the discovery of testosterone, which discredited testis...

Our village, Grampound in Cornwall, is to be designated an Air Quality Management Area. A report of the air quality monitoring

Our village, Grampound in Cornwall, is to be designated an Air Quality Management Area. A report of the air quality monitoring has been published and a consultation started. The traffic through Grampound is about 11,000 vehicles a day and since it is a narrow road on a steep hill with thatched cottages...