"Black in Tech Berlin" campaigns for the employment of young black engineers | Africanews
Source: africanews.com
The Insufferable Hubris of the Well-Credentialed: A four-year college degree has become necessary for dignified work. Michael Sandel says that’s a huge mistake. "The meritocratic hubris of elites is the conviction by those who land on top that their success is their own doing, that they have risen...
Source: chronicle.com
A supplement in BMC Medical Education on Health Professional Education accreditation from the community of practice The International Health Professions Accreditation Outcomes Consortium (IFPAOC) - which was founded in 2012. This supplement focuses on graduate and residency programmes but it also addresses...
Source: biomedcentral.com
Taking the temperature of the ocean by measuring the speed of sound waves passing through it: A team of researchers from the California Institute of Technology and the Chinese Academy of Sciences has developed a way to detect changes in ocean temperatures by measuring sound waves generated by underwater...
Source: phys.org
Proposal for a New Tool to Evaluate a Serious Game: The current enthusiasm of generations of students for video games and the marked interest of training institutions for the use of playful strategies, which facilitate learning, has encouraged the development and use of formative games called Serious...
Source: online-journals.org
Google Brings Back Human Moderators for YouTube Content | Digital Trends: More human moderators are going back to work to oversee YouTube content, taking over from automated systems that admittedly took down some videos erroneously. "YouTube revealed in late August that in the three months prior, 11.4...
Source: digitaltrends.com
Essay by Audrey Watters on schools and the technology industry ... basically f**k the algorithm. "Robot Teachers, Racist Algorithms, and Disaster Pedagogy: I have volunteered to be a guest speaker in classes this Fall. It's really the least I can do to help teachers and students through another tough...
Source: hackeducation.com
Psychologist suggests negative impact of pandemic on friendships likely to be fleeting: Robin Ian MacDonald Dunbar, a psychologist at the University of Oxford, has conducted a review of the literature and concluded that the impact of the pandemic on friendships is likely to be fleeting. He has published...
Source: phys.org
A comparison between the effectiveness of a gamified approach with the conventional approach in point-of-care ultrasonographic training: Although gamification increases user engagement, its effectiveness in point-of-care ultrasonographic training has yet to be fully established. This study was conducted...
Source: biomedcentral.com
3 cognitive biases perpetuating racism at work - and how to overcome them: Our brains take shortcuts when processing information to make decisions, leading to unconscious bias and systemic racism at work. Here’s what you need to know.
Source: weforum.org
God Is Dead. So Is the Office. These People Want to Save Both: Divinity consultants are designing sacred rituals for corporations and their spiritually depleted employees.
Source: nytimes.com
Twitter is one of the most popular microblogging and social networking platforms where massive instant messages (i.e. tweets) are posted every day. Twitter sentiment analysis tackles the problem of analyzing users’ tweets in terms of thoughts, interests and opinions in a variety of contexts and domains....
Source: online-journals.org
The new cultural norm: reasons why UK foundation doctors are choosing not to go straight into speciality training: The number of UK foundation doctors choosing to go straight into speciality training has fallen drastically over the last 10 years: We sought to explore and understand the reasons for...
Source: biomedcentral.com
Teaching at a Distance: Methods that Work | Innovating Pedagogy
Source: open.ac.uk
Just sent this to the undergraduate admissions team and the head of school at my old college. "To the admissions team Cardiff University School of Medicine. I write as an ex student of Cardiff School of Medicine having graduated in 1990. If you haven't already could I urge you to review all...
Creating a digital commons: There are, today, almost no parts of life that are untouched by the presence of data. Virtually every action we take produces some form of digital trail – our phones track our locations, our browsers track searches, our social network apps log our friends and family –...
Source: ippr.org
"The adults in the room: On Sunday 15 March, the morning before he became the 121st governor of the Bank of England, Andrew Bailey absorbed the news from around the world. In the past 12 hours, the White House had banned all visitors from the UK, Spain had introduced a national lockdown, France had closed...
Source: newstatesman.com
My next tweet could be generated by a deep-learning neural network. I've been training one. Would anyone notice the difference? Could I just hand over tweeting to my machine? Method: downloaded the last 3200 Tweets that I posted using allmytweets.netpruned the dates off and removed the RTs by using some...
Source: agnate.co.uk
If I wanted to find those who have a "conservative ideology" - so that I could share my views or influence them - I would do the following: set up a new account and start making contactsshare several of those technology scare hoax stories that you see posted e.g. Dance of the Pope virus video, the Andrea...
Source: historynewsnetwork.org
Solving Rubik’s Cube with a Robot Hand: We've trained a pair of neural networks to solve the Rubik’s Cube with a human-like robot hand. Instead of thinking too much about the complex algorithms to solve the task they instead focus on creating complex worlds where the machine can learn. This of course...
Source: openai.com