Pope Says Artificial Contraception Can Be Considered During Zika Outbreak: Pope Francis suggested to reporters on Thursday that women could use artificial contraception to avoid getting pregnant during the Zika outbreak - NEJM Journal Watch.
Source: jwatch.org
Next Generation Learning Analytics: Or, How Learning Analytics is Passé: "'Learning Analytics,' as so many know it, is already passé. There is almost always a disconnect between research innovation and the popular imagination. By the time a new concept or approach achieves widespread acceptance, its...
Source: timothyharfield.com
"In its ongoing effort to make MOOCs more and more like traditional
education, Coursera has launched 'mentor-guided courses' for the cost of
$US 248." I like Stephen Downes and the way he pokes fun at the big MOOC companies. Their aim though is simply to try and monetize their courses. The mentor...
Source: downes.ca
Global Wind Power Capacity Tops Nuclear Energy For First Time - Slashdot
Source: slashdot.org
Shor's algorithm is implemented using five trapped ions - physicsworld.com: Quantum-computing scheme could be scaled-up to perform practical calculations
Source: physicsworld.com
Hopkins Study Finds Popular Blood Pressure App Wildly Inaccurate - Slashdot
Source: slashdot.org
Beyond investing: Making global health a reality for all | PLOS Biologue: A grand convergence in global health will require strategic investments in R&D and an aggressive scale-up of health-care delivery systems to ensure health tools reach those who need them most.
Source: plos.org
The Religious Roots of Shaming-as-Rehab Programs: The harsh tactics of some unregulated addiction-therapy groups have parallels in monastic tradition.
Source: theatlantic.com
Primary prevention and risk factor reduction in coronary heart disease mortality among working aged men and women in eastern Finland over 40 years: population based observational study Pekka Jousilahti. Tiina Laatikainen. Markku Peltonen. Katja Borodulin. Satu Männistö. Antti Jula. Veikko Salomaa....
Source: bmj.com
What Instagrams Look Like in Food Deserts: Social-media photos can be a rich source of information about the diets of people who don’t have access to grocery stores.
Source: theatlantic.com
An Electric Car Battery That Will Get You From Paris to Brussels and Back: The metal-air battery carries more energy per kilogram than today’s lithium-ion batteries
Source: ieee.org
Kenyan students staying in Kenya in greater numbers but quality concerns persist. Market intelligence for international student recruitment: Kenyan students are becoming less likely to leave their country for major study abroad destinations, and more likely to pursue higher education within Kenya. The...
Source: icef.com
Berwick: "You cannot achieve excellence in combat with your future workforce" - Hospital Dr article on comments after the imposition of the junior doctor contract.
Source: hospitaldr.co.uk
Statin-Associated Autoimmune Myopathy - Now@NEJM: Statins significantly reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease, are generally safe, and have an acceptable side-effect profile. It is now recognized, however, that in very rare cases, an autoimmune myopathy develops in patients treated with statins;...
Source: nejm.org
"to truly improve health equity, we need to swim even further upstream and engage in advocacy for an entire population. The WHO Commission on the Social Determinants of Health was explicit that to achieve health equity, we need to tackle the inequitable distribution of power, money and resources". Swimming...
Source: bmj.com
"This article presents our reflections on the full potential of using PDSA in healthcare, but in doing so we explore the inherent complexity and multiple challenges of executing PDSA well. Ultimately, we argue that the problem with PDSA is the oversimplification of the method as it has been translated...
Source: bmj.com
Sci-Hub: How Does it Work?: Sci-Hub is a pirate website that enables users to access content that is held behind publisher paywalls. This is how it works.
Source: sspnet.org
Recent sea level rise is the fastest since 800 BCE: Another climate hockey stick, this one tracking the rise of the oceans.
Source: arstechnica.com
Study Supports Prednisolone as First-Line Treatment Option for Gout: By Amy Orciari Herman
Edited by David G. Fairchild, MD, MPH, and Jaye Elizabeth Hefner, MD
Prednisolone and indomethacin are equally effective in relieving joint pain in patients with gout, according to an Annals of Internal Medicine...
Source: jwatch.org
The New Middle East by Paul Danahar gives excellent insights and the background history to the situation in the Middle East following the Arab Spring. He covers Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Israel, Iraq, and Syria in depth.
Source: amazon.co.uk