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showing posts for '2'

Calorie restriction diet extends life of monkeys by years: Macaques on permanent diets live significantly longer – the

Calorie restriction diet extends life of monkeys by years: Macaques on permanent diets live significantly longer – the equivalent of nine years in people. But is the detailed meal planning and loss of libido worth it?

Feds Call Tesla's AutoPilot Safe: Not only does NHTSA exonerate AutoPilot for the May 2016 fatality, it credits the system

Feds Call Tesla's AutoPilot Safe: Not only does NHTSA exonerate AutoPilot for the May 2016 fatality, it credits the system for reducing crashes by 40 percent overall

Study suggests top humanities journals favor research from elite institutions: Study suggests top humanities journals favor

Study suggests top humanities journals favor research from elite institutions: Study suggests top humanities journals favor research by professors working at or who earned Ph.D.s at elite institutions.

The Big Shift in Platform Business Models: Everywhere you look today, platform businesses are in the news. Most of the stories

The Big Shift in Platform Business Models: Everywhere you look today, platform businesses are in the news. Most of the stories focus on what platforms do. Some highlight the value they provide in terms of ease and convenience in connecting with needed resources. Others focus on the...

Obama: “My instinct is everybody hates media right now…that has to be an opportunity”: President Obama appeared on

Obama: “My instinct is everybody hates media right now…that has to be an opportunity”: President Obama appeared on the latest episode of the new podcast Pod Save America, in what was billed as his last interview as president of the United States before Donald Trump's inauguration on Friday. (Pod...

Axios goes live, with a Trump interview (in 19 bullet points and a bunch of little posts)

Axios goes live, with a Trump interview (in 19 bullet points and a bunch of little posts)

Global Temperature Record Broken for Third Consecutive Year : Image of the Day: The planet’s average surface temperature

Global Temperature Record Broken for Third Consecutive Year : Image of the Day: The planet’s average surface temperature has risen about 1.1°C (2.0°F) since the late 19th century.

APOD: 2017 January 22 - SpaceX Falcon 9 to Orbit

APOD: 2017 January 22 - SpaceX Falcon 9 to Orbit


Rogue Scientists Race to Save Climate Data from Trump: The incoming Trump administration's EPA transition team intends to

Rogue Scientists Race to Save Climate Data from Trump: The incoming Trump administration's EPA transition team intends to remove some climate data from the agency's website. These researchers are swooping in to help.

Another survey finds users aren’t that engaged with online video: News organizations have been producing loads of video

Another survey finds users aren’t that engaged with online video: News organizations have been producing loads of video content to fill social media feeds and attract higher ad rates, but a new report from the social analytics firm finds that users engage with video much less than other content...

The Internet Archive is building up a Trump presidential library — of everything he’s ever said, on video: President-elect

The Internet Archive is building up a Trump presidential library — of everything he’s ever said, on video: President-elect Donald J. Trump says a lot of things — and often denies a lot of the things he's said. The Internet Archive launched Thursday a huge Trump Archive dedicated to housing videos...

Globalisation Theresa May and Davos. I agree with some of what she says about globalisation but it is also a major role

Globalisation Theresa May and Davos. I agree with some of what she says about globalisation but it is also a major role for government policy to share the gains with 'those left behind'. In particular nations need to look after its workers (and future workers) when inevitably the jobs and industries...

Labour has shifted focus away from the NHS crisis. For what? | Owen Jones: The NHS should be the party’s main focus right

Labour has shifted focus away from the NHS crisis. For what? | Owen Jones: The NHS should be the party’s main focus right now. Jeremy Corbyn’s pronouncements about immigration and high pay are just distractions

Trump team denies new vaccination commission after Kennedy claims post: The president-elect may create autism commission,

Trump team denies new vaccination commission after Kennedy claims post: The president-elect may create autism commission, Trump spokeswoman said, which is at odds with vaccine skeptic Robert F Kennedy’s announcement

What can this Peru slum teach the world about stopping the spread of TB?: Peru, one of the hotspots for tuberculosis, has

What can this Peru slum teach the world about stopping the spread of TB?: Peru, one of the hotspots for tuberculosis, has some of the highest global recovery rates thanks to a community-based method for fighting the disease

Firearm Deaths in the United States and Globally, 1990-2015: This Visualizing Health Metrics infographic, based on the

Firearm Deaths in the United States and Globally, 1990-2015: This Visualizing Health Metrics infographic, based on the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015, provides information on mortality resulting from assault by firearms in the United States and globally from 1990 to 2015. The burden of firearms—excluding...

The $800 laundry-folding robot for those who don't have a housekeeper - ExtremeTech: Foldimate will fold a laundry basket

The $800 laundry-folding robot for those who don't have a housekeeper - ExtremeTech: Foldimate will fold a laundry basket of clothes in about 3 minutes. Shirts, T-shirts, pants yes; tablecloths, beach towels and socks, no.

Food Allergy Guidelines Updated to Include Advice on Preventing Peanut Allergy: By Joe Elia Edited by André Sofair, MD,

Food Allergy Guidelines Updated to Include Advice on Preventing Peanut Allergy: By Joe Elia Edited by André Sofair, MD, MPH, and William E. Chavey, MD, MS Comprehensive advice on preventing peanut allergy has been added to the 2010 guidelines issued by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious...

“It’s true — I saw it on Facebook”: "When my cousins' Facebook timelines make no meaningful distinction between

“It’s true — I saw it on Facebook”: "When my cousins' Facebook timelines make no meaningful distinction between fact-checked magazine stories and flat-out lies from an AdSense scammer or a Fox News propagandist, the means by which meaningful public discourse can happen isn't only damaged, it's...