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showing posts for '2'

2017 Diabetes Care Standards Issued: By Amy Orciari Herman Edited by Jaye Elizabeth Hefner, MD The American Diabetes

2017 Diabetes Care Standards Issued: By Amy Orciari Herman Edited by Jaye Elizabeth Hefner, MD The American Diabetes Association has released its 2017 "Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes." An overview of the group's guidance on pharmacologic therapy for type 2 diabetes is available … NEJM Journal...

Canadians with Cystic Fibrosis Live Roughly 10 Years Longer Than Americans: By Kelly Young Edited by Jaye Elizabeth Hefner,

Canadians with Cystic Fibrosis Live Roughly 10 Years Longer Than Americans: By Kelly Young Edited by Jaye Elizabeth Hefner, MD Canadian patients with cystic fibrosis have a survival advantage over their U.S. counterparts, according to a study in the Annals of Internal Medicine . … NEJM Journal...

Best anti-ageing exercise (for a part of mitochondrial metabolism) is high intensity interval training: "Exercise is the

Best anti-ageing exercise (for a part of mitochondrial metabolism) is high intensity interval training: "Exercise is the best anti-ageing pill, but which routine is most effective? A study reveals that HIIT is better than weight training at rejuvenating cells ..." says New Scientist magazine. "HIIT...

What’s the “Take Home” from Research on Dementia Trends?: Eric Larson and Kenneth Langa discuss whether the risk of

What’s the “Take Home” from Research on Dementia Trends?: Eric Larson and Kenneth Langa discuss whether the risk of dementia is increasing or decreasing over time. Eric B. Larson. Kenneth M. Langa. PLOS Medicine.

Climate Change Already Affecting Human Health: By Kelly Young Edited by Susan Sadoughi, MD, and Richard Saitz, MD, MPH,

Climate Change Already Affecting Human Health: By Kelly Young Edited by Susan Sadoughi, MD, and Richard Saitz, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM The Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health, comprising 11 medical societies, is "sounding … NEJM Journal Watch.

Harvard Library gets slammed for its earnest fake news guide: Updates from the fake news world: Plus: The science of why

Harvard Library gets slammed for its earnest fake news guide: Updates from the fake news world: Plus: The science of why we spread stories, Russian propaganda gets into fake news, and a "satirical" fake news site pulls the plug after Whoopi Goldberg calls it out.

3 Things That Chatbots Shine at Compared to Websites or Apps: Any over-hyped technology comes with suitably hyperbolic statements

3 Things That Chatbots Shine at Compared to Websites or Apps: Any over-hyped technology comes with suitably hyperbolic statements of how it will impact and change everything. Chatbots are no different…

Readers seem willing to pay for news sites centered around a place. What about sites built on an issue?: "There are a lot

Readers seem willing to pay for news sites centered around a place. What about sites built on an issue?: "There are a lot of ways to define 'community.' We know it can be built around geography. But there should also be a community of people who care about climate, a community of people who care about...

The 'robot lawyer’ giving free legal advice to refugees - BBC News: A technology used to fight parking fines is now helping

The 'robot lawyer’ giving free legal advice to refugees - BBC News: A technology used to fight parking fines is now helping asylum seekers apply for emergency housing.

Germany to push for carbon price at G20 - BBC News: Germany will use its G20 Presidency to nudge world leaders towards a

Germany to push for carbon price at G20 - BBC News: Germany will use its G20 Presidency to nudge world leaders towards a global price on carbon, say officials.

Yomi, The First Robotic Dental Surgery System Now Cleared by FDA |: Neocis, a company based in Miami, Florida, just announced

Yomi, The First Robotic Dental Surgery System Now Cleared by FDA |: Neocis, a company based in Miami, Florida, just announced winning FDA clearance to introduce Yomi, the first robotically assisted dental surgical system. Y

Two-thirds of Americans see docs who got paid by drug companies: Drexel University study: A new study led by Drexel University

Two-thirds of Americans see docs who got paid by drug companies: Drexel University study: A new study led by Drexel University found that a majority of Americans visited doctors in the past year who had been paid or given gifts by pharmaceutical or medical device companies -- but very few patients knew...

'7lbs in 7 days' retreat at Juicy Oasis Feb 20-27th 2016. Blog about the retreat. Just returned from a week at Juicy Oasis

'7lbs in 7 days' retreat at Juicy Oasis Feb 20-27th 2016. Blog about the retreat. Just returned from a week at Juicy Oasis in Portugal - a health and spa retreat based on a juicing diet run by Jason Vale. It was a lovely sunny escape from the February cold and rain in the UK. The main features were...

Page not found | JACC: Journal of the American College of Cardiology

Page not found | JACC: Journal of the American College of Cardiology

Ten million lives saved by 1962 breakthrough, study says: Nearly 200 million cases of polio, measles, mumps, rubella, varicella,

Ten million lives saved by 1962 breakthrough, study says: Nearly 200 million cases of polio, measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, adenovirus, rabies and hepatitis A -- and approximately 450,000 deaths from these diseases -- were prevented in the US alone between 1963 and 2015 by vaccination, researchers...

Opinion paper summarising evidence published in JACC by a group of physicians reporting on food trends and heart health.

Opinion paper summarising evidence published in JACC by a group of physicians reporting on food trends and heart health. "Green leafy vegetables, blueberries, and plant proteins rise to the top of the physicians' recommendations for frequent food intake; coconut oil, palm oil, and antioxidant supplements...

The Trick Smoothies Play on the Stomach

The Trick Smoothies Play on the Stomach

Out of Africa: Notes from a visit to Kenya - John Kay: Financial services for a developing economy need to be established

Out of Africa: Notes from a visit to Kenya - John Kay: Financial services for a developing economy need to be established from the bottom up, not the top down.

Are ChatBots the missing link in online education?: Create a valuable, location independent learning experience

Are ChatBots the missing link in online education?: Create a valuable, location independent learning experience

Why are peer reviews private?: That is a question raised by the experience of a “rogue” neuroscientist profiled in Wired

Why are peer reviews private?: That is a question raised by the experience of a “rogue” neuroscientist profiled in Wired today: SAM NASTASE WAS taking a break from his lab work to peruse Twitter when he saw a tweet a…