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showing posts for 'st'

A Team-Based Online Game Improves Blood Glucose Control in Veterans With Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized, Controlled Trial.

A Team-Based Online Game Improves Blood Glucose Control in Veterans With Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized, Controlled Trial. "Patients with diabetes who were randomized to an online game delivering DSME demonstrated sustained and meaningful HbA1c improvements. Among patients with poorly controlled diabetes,...

Cost Effectiveness of Support for People Starting a New Medication for a Long-Term Condition Through Community Pharmacies:

Cost Effectiveness of Support for People Starting a New Medication for a Long-Term Condition Through Community Pharmacies: An Economic Evaluation of the New Medicine Service (NMS) Compared with Normal Practice Rachel A. Elliott. Lukasz Tanajewski. Georgios Gkountouras. Anthony J. Avery. Nick Barber....

Community detection, link prediction, and layer interdependence in multilayer networks. "Complex systems are often characterized

Community detection, link prediction, and layer interdependence in multilayer networks. "Complex systems are often characterized by distinct types of interactions between the same entities. These can be described as a multilayer network where each layer represents one type of interaction. These layers...

The BBC should stop giving unwarranted airtime to Nigel Lawson: The broadcaster had tough questions for Al Gore and then

The BBC should stop giving unwarranted airtime to Nigel Lawson: The broadcaster had tough questions for Al Gore and then gave space to false claims of a prominent climate sceptic. This is a recipe for spreading misinformation

MIT team whips up new city school bus routes: A new school bus route plan will save the city millions of dollars a year

MIT team whips up new city school bus routes: A new school bus route plan will save the city millions of dollars a year by taking dozens of buses -- and potentially dozens of drivers -- off the roads in an effort to bring students to school more efficiently. Highlights the challenge of computationally...

Fasebj | Mobile

Fasebj | Mobile

APOD: 2017 August 11 - A Total Solar Eclipse of Saros 145

APOD: 2017 August 11 - A Total Solar Eclipse of Saros 145

RCGP will continue to push for longer GP training programme despite Review recommendation. "It has been the position of

RCGP will continue to push for longer GP training programme despite Review recommendation. "It has been the position of the College for many years that GP training should be a minimum of four years in length. This was reconfirmed at our governing Council meeting in February, and the idea of a ‘3+1’...

Chimpanzees learn rock-paper-scissors: Chimpanzees of all ages and all sexes can learn the simple circular relationship

Chimpanzees learn rock-paper-scissors: Chimpanzees of all ages and all sexes can learn the simple circular relationship between the three different hand signals used in the well-known game rock-paper-scissors. Jie Gao of Kyoto University in Japan and Peking University in China is lead author of a study...

Measuring Surgical Outcomes for Improvement: Was Codman Wrong?: Ernest Amory Codman was the courageous early 20th century

Measuring Surgical Outcomes for Improvement: Was Codman Wrong?: Ernest Amory Codman was the courageous early 20th century champion for an “end results system” to track hospital outcomes, an idea his surgical colleagues did not welcome. If he were to come back to life today, he would feel vindicated,...

Assessing the impact of healthcare research: A systematic review of methodological frameworks: Derek Kyte and colleagues

Assessing the impact of healthcare research: A systematic review of methodological frameworks: Derek Kyte and colleagues systematically review approaches to the evaluation of health research. Samantha Cruz Rivera. Derek G. Kyte. Olalekan Lee Aiyegbusi. Thomas J. Keeley. Melanie J. Calvert. PLOS Medicine.

We could close this lethal north-south gap – if we wanted to | Dawn Foster: If we do not acknowledge the role that poverty

We could close this lethal north-south gap – if we wanted to | Dawn Foster: If we do not acknowledge the role that poverty plays, poorer people will continue to suffer, says Dawn Foster, a writer on politics, social affairs and economics

1 in 12 doctors accepts payment from pharmaceutical companies related to opioids: One in twelve physicians -- and nearly

1 in 12 doctors accepts payment from pharmaceutical companies related to opioids: One in twelve physicians -- and nearly one in five family medicine physicians -- accepted payments from pharmaceutical companies related to opioids, according to a new study out of Boston Medical Center's Grayken Center...

Implementing the WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist: lessons learnt on a quality improvement initiative to improve mother and

Implementing the WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist: lessons learnt on a quality improvement initiative to improve mother and newborn care at Gobabis District Hospital, Namibia. BMJ Open Quality. "Following an increase in perinatal and maternal deaths, Gobabis District Hospital initiated a quality improvement...

Spray can stunt prompts Twitter to act on hateful tweets: An artist tired of seeing hateful tweets ignored by Twitter has

Spray can stunt prompts Twitter to act on hateful tweets: An artist tired of seeing hateful tweets ignored by Twitter has managed to get the social network to remove or hide some of them—by spray-painting the offending posts in front of the company's German headquarters.

Metabolic and immune effects of immunotherapy with proinsulin peptide in human new-onset type 1 diabetes: Immunotherapy

Metabolic and immune effects of immunotherapy with proinsulin peptide in human new-onset type 1 diabetes: Immunotherapy using peptides has been successful for some patients with allergies, but has not yet been deployed in autoimmune diseases, which may involve greater safety risks. Alhadj Ali et al ....

Risky Alcohol Intake on the Rise — Especially in Women, Minorities, Seniors: By Kelly Young Edited by Susan Sadoughi,

Risky Alcohol Intake on the Rise — Especially in Women, Minorities, Seniors: By Kelly Young Edited by Susan Sadoughi, MD The prevalence of high-risk drinking and alcohol use disorder increased sharply over a decade, constituting a public health crisis, a JAMA Psychiatry study concludes. Two surveys...

Nations that cannot fight tobacco industry should raise taxes, says WHO: World Health Organization says many governments

Nations that cannot fight tobacco industry should raise taxes, says WHO: World Health Organization says many governments have neither funds nor expertise to take on big tobacco companies

Obama's tweet to John McCain about his diagnosis was the last thing cancer survivors wanted to see: Glancing through Twitter

Obama's tweet to John McCain about his diagnosis was the last thing cancer survivors wanted to see: Glancing through Twitter this morning, I noticed a friend of a friend responding to Barack Obama’s tweet in support of Senator John McCain who has been diagnosed with brain cancer: “John McCain is...

High-fat oil and low-paid farmers: the cost of our coconut craze: The health implications of coconut oil have been much

High-fat oil and low-paid farmers: the cost of our coconut craze: The health implications of coconut oil have been much discussed – but supermarket shelves still groan with coconut products. Meanwhile, many growers earn less than $1 a day. Should we turn our back on this runaway trend?