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showing posts for 'st'

Are publishers making money on Facebook? “Not really,” a new report finds: For years publishers have held onto the hope

Are publishers making money on Facebook? “Not really,” a new report finds: For years publishers have held onto the hope that all their investments in Facebook will, at some point, pay dividends when it comes to revenue. But a new report from WAN-IFRA suggests that, for most publishers, that's still...

This roadside van could be selling Cornwall's best burgers: Former Rick Stein chef is doing something very tasty in a layby

This roadside van could be selling Cornwall's best burgers: Former Rick Stein chef is doing something very tasty in a layby

Google Publicly Releases Internal Developer Documentation Style Guide - Slashdot: BrianFagioli shares a report from BetaNews:

Google Publicly Releases Internal Developer Documentation Style Guide - Slashdot: BrianFagioli shares a report from BetaNews: The documentation aspect of any project is very important, as it can help people to both understand it and track changes. Unfortunately, many developers aren't very interested...

Social media helps students learn scientific argumentation better, study says: Adults often bemoan the amount of time young

Social media helps students learn scientific argumentation better, study says: Adults often bemoan the amount of time young people spend staring at a screen and browsing social media. But social media can not only be a way to teach students elements of the scientific process, those who took part in a...

The Movie “Cholesterol: The Great Bluff” Is an Exercise in Denialism: The movie “Cholesterol: The Great Bluff” claims

The Movie “Cholesterol: The Great Bluff” Is an Exercise in Denialism: The movie “Cholesterol: The Great Bluff” claims that we have been lied to: cholesterol doesn’t cause heart disease and statins are harmful. It is biased and misleading. The peopl…

Prescription drug 'floods' black market: A BBC investigation has seen first-hand of the devastating impact of the prescription

Prescription drug 'floods' black market: A BBC investigation has seen first-hand of the devastating impact of the prescription drug pregabalin which has 'flooded' the black market.

Why RSS Still Beats Facebook and Twitter for Tracking News: You’d be forgiven for thinking RSS died off with the passing

Why RSS Still Beats Facebook and Twitter for Tracking News: You’d be forgiven for thinking RSS died off with the passing of Google Reader, but our old friend Really Simple Syndication (or Rich Site Summary) still has a role to play on the web of 2017. It’s faster, more efficient, and you won’t...

Offshore wind cheaper than new nuclear: Figures from the government are seen as a milestone in the advance of renewable

Offshore wind cheaper than new nuclear: Figures from the government are seen as a milestone in the advance of renewable energy.

Lost in knowledge translation: Time for a map? - Graham - 2006 - Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions

Lost in knowledge translation: Time for a map? - Graham - 2006 - Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions - Wiley Online Library

IBM’s Watson versus cancer: Hype meets reality: Five years ago, IBM announced that its supercomputer Watson would revolutionize

IBM’s Watson versus cancer: Hype meets reality: Five years ago, IBM announced that its supercomputer Watson would revolutionize cancer treatment by using its artificial intelligence to digest and distill the thousands of oncology studies publish…

Small increases in physical activity reduce immobility, disability risks in older adults: Adding 48 minutes of exercise

Small increases in physical activity reduce immobility, disability risks in older adults: Adding 48 minutes of exercise per week is associated with improvements in overall mobility and decreases in risks of disability in older adults who are sedentary, finds a new study led by researchers at the Jean...


Study concerning the review and mapping of continuous professional development and lifelong learning for health professionals

Study concerning the review and mapping of continuous professional development and lifelong learning for health professionals in the EU - Public Health - European Commission: European Commission - There is widespread recognition of the importance of continuous professional development (CPD)...

Is Python Really the Fastest-Growing Programming Language? - Slashdot: An anonymous reader quotes Stack Overflow Blog: In

Is Python Really the Fastest-Growing Programming Language? - Slashdot: An anonymous reader quotes Stack Overflow Blog: In this post, we'll explore the extraordinary growth of the Python programming language in the last five years, as seen by Stack Overflow traffic within high-income countries. The term...

Sci-Hub Faces $4.8 Million Piracy Damages and ISP Blocking - TorrentFreak: Sci-Hub, which is regularly referred to as the

Sci-Hub Faces $4.8 Million Piracy Damages and ISP Blocking - TorrentFreak: Sci-Hub, which is regularly referred to as the "Pirate Bay of science," faces another setback in a US federal court. After the site's operator failed to respond, the American Chemical Society now requests a default judgment of...

Lost Languages Discovered in One of the World's Oldest Continuously Run Libraries: The centuries-old texts were erased,

Lost Languages Discovered in One of the World's Oldest Continuously Run Libraries: The centuries-old texts were erased, and then written over, by monks at Saint Catherine’s Monastery in Egypt

Facebook accused of fake audience numbers: Facebook Inc. claims its ads have the potential to reach more people than recent

Facebook accused of fake audience numbers: Facebook Inc. claims its ads have the potential to reach more people than recent U.S. census data shows exist, and that’s troublesome for one analyst, who thinks third-party measurement services stand to benefit.

The New Zealand shoe project fighting high suicide rates - BBC News: New Zealand has the highest rates of youth suicide

The New Zealand shoe project fighting high suicide rates - BBC News: New Zealand has the highest rates of youth suicide in the developed world. Those left behind are trying to do something about it.

Old technology: NHS uses 10% of world's pagers at annual cost of £6.6m: Report into NHS communications says it uses 130,000

Old technology: NHS uses 10% of world's pagers at annual cost of £6.6m: Report into NHS communications says it uses 130,000 pagers and it is surprising ‘legacy equipment is relied upon in emergency situations’

The low-cost device saving newborns in India: Birth asphyxia – lack of oxygen – is the cause of 20% of newborn deaths

The low-cost device saving newborns in India: Birth asphyxia – lack of oxygen – is the cause of 20% of newborn deaths in India. A simple piece of equipment is helping revive babies and prevent long-term damage