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showing posts for '2'

Clinical trials revolution could change the future of medical research: With the stakes in clinical research so high, today

Clinical trials revolution could change the future of medical research: With the stakes in clinical research so high, today sees the launch of a new and much-needed way of reporting clinical trials

Continuing professional development: progress beyond continuing medical education: Continuing medical education (CME) is

Continuing professional development: progress beyond continuing medical education: Continuing medical education (CME) is rapidly evolving into competency-based continuing professional development (CPD) and this is driving change in self-directed CPD programs undertaken by individual practitioners as...

The impact of video games on training surgeons in the 21st century. - PubMed - NCBI

The impact of video games on training surgeons in the 21st century. - PubMed - NCBI

Head of stroke programme condemns HSE inertia "Widespread inertia in the health service is leaving Ireland unprepared

Head of stroke programme condemns HSE inertia "Widespread inertia in the health service is leaving Ireland unprepared to cope with a huge increase in the number of stroke patients over the next decade, the outgoing head of the national stroke programme has warned. ...

Using machine learning to improve patient care : New CSAIL research employs many types of medical data, including electronic

Using machine learning to improve patient care : New CSAIL research employs many types of medical data, including electronic health records, to predict outcomes in hospitals. Rachel Gordon | CSAIL.

Everyone's an expert, but a computer program may be able to pick the best ones

Everyone's an expert, but a computer program may be able to pick the best ones

Thorium could power the next generation of nuclear reactors: The first thorium research project in 45 years has kicked off

Thorium could power the next generation of nuclear reactors: The first thorium research project in 45 years has kicked off in the Netherlands with the goal of making thorium work in a molten salt reactor

Whole grain cereals for cardiovascular disease | Cochrane "There is insufficient evidence from RCTs of an effect of whole

Whole grain cereals for cardiovascular disease | Cochrane "There is insufficient evidence from RCTs of an effect of whole grain diets on cardiovascular outcomes or on major CVD risk factors such as blood lipids and blood pressure. Trials were at unclear or high risk of bias with small sample sizes and...

Reducing infant mortality in Nigeria: A doctor in Nigeria and a professor at MSU have teamed up to reduce infant mortality

Reducing infant mortality in Nigeria: A doctor in Nigeria and a professor at MSU have teamed up to reduce infant mortality in the African nation.

4 maps that will change how you see migration in Europe: These maps show European migration in numbers – with surprising

4 maps that will change how you see migration in Europe: These maps show European migration in numbers – with surprising results.

Jeremy Hunt can attack me all he wants – but he is wrong to say the NHS is working | Stephen Hawking "Hunt doesn't deny

Jeremy Hunt can attack me all he wants – but he is wrong to say the NHS is working | Stephen Hawking "Hunt doesn't deny that he dismissed research contradicting his claim of excess deaths due to poorer hospital care and staffing at the weekend. He admits he relied on one paper by Professor Nick Freemantle...

APOD: 2017 August 23 - The Crown of the Sun

APOD: 2017 August 23 - The Crown of the Sun

Mathematical secrets of ancient tablet unlocked after nearly a century of study: Dating from 1,000 years before Pythagoras’s

Mathematical secrets of ancient tablet unlocked after nearly a century of study: Dating from 1,000 years before Pythagoras’s theorem, the Babylonian clay tablet is a trigonometric table more accurate than any today, say researchers

Low‐cost agricultural waste accelerates tropical forest regeneration: Lower‐cost tropical forest restoration methods,

Low‐cost agricultural waste accelerates tropical forest regeneration: Lower‐cost tropical forest restoration methods, particularly those framed as win–win business‐protected area partnerships, could dramatically increase the scale of tropical forest restoration activities,... Treuer, Timothy...

Coming back from the edge: a qualitative study of a professional support unit for junior doctors: It is known that many

Coming back from the edge: a qualitative study of a professional support unit for junior doctors: It is known that many trainee doctors around the world experience work satisfaction but also considerable work stress in the training period. Such stress seems to be linked to multiple factors including...

400 The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port

400 The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port

Epigenetics may explain how Darwin's finches respond to rapid environmental changes, according to new research published

Epigenetics may explain how Darwin's finches respond to rapid environmental changes, according to new research published in the open access journal BMC Evolutionary Biology.

Baby boomers' drink and drug misuse needs urgent action, warn experts: By 2020, the number of over-50s receiving treatment

Baby boomers' drink and drug misuse needs urgent action, warn experts: By 2020, the number of over-50s receiving treatment for substance misuse problems is expected to double in Europe and treble in the US, say researchers

MRI scan that can predict stroke risk has 'promise to save lives': Scientists at Oxford University develop non-invasive

MRI scan that can predict stroke risk has 'promise to save lives': Scientists at Oxford University develop non-invasive technique to measure amount of cholesterol in carotid plaques

A Roadmap to 100% Renewable Energy in 139 Countries by 2050: Wind, solar, hydropower, and geothermal could power most of

A Roadmap to 100% Renewable Energy in 139 Countries by 2050: Wind, solar, hydropower, and geothermal could power most of the world argues Mark Jaobson and team