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showing posts for 'ones'

Activists scale Nelson's Column in protest over London's 'toxic' air: Protesters from environmental campaign group Greenpeace

Activists scale Nelson's Column in protest over London's 'toxic' air: Protesters from environmental campaign group Greenpeace have scaled Nelson’s Column in a protest over air pollution in London. The group gathered at the Trafalgar Square statue at around 4.10am before starting its ascent,...

Could Satellite Messaging Startup Higher Ground Bring Down the 911 System?: New SatPaq device that turns smartphones into

Could Satellite Messaging Startup Higher Ground Bring Down the 911 System?: New SatPaq device that turns smartphones into satphones has communication giants worried


iPhone app tracks 600 patients in biggest ever study of Parkinson’s Disease: Smartphones come stuffed with sensors –

iPhone app tracks 600 patients in biggest ever study of Parkinson’s Disease: Smartphones come stuffed with sensors – now doctors are using them to study people's health on a scale impossible before

AI will replace smartphones within 5 years, Ericsson survey suggests | KurzweilAI

AI will replace smartphones within 5 years, Ericsson survey suggests | KurzweilAI

How to use smartphones in the classroom: up-to-date statistics - e-Learning Feeds: 6 Shared Mobile learning is becoming

How to use smartphones in the classroom: up-to-date statistics - e-Learning Feeds: 6 Shared Mobile learning is becoming more and more popular, so our friends from Cell Phone City Advocacy prepared a post where they share statistics on the

The NHS Confederation has asked people if they want cake and seem encouraged that the answer is yes. In the confederation's

The NHS Confederation has asked people if they want cake and seem encouraged that the answer is yes. In the confederation's parallel universe people can (1) have their cake and eat it, (2) it will be better cake than before, (3) they won't need to wait for it, and (4) it will be free! They are shrewd...

Tangerine: IPhone movie shows Hollywood's unseen side - BBC News: Micro-budget comedy drama Tangerine, the story of two

Tangerine: IPhone movie shows Hollywood's unseen side - BBC News: Micro-budget comedy drama Tangerine, the story of two transgender prostitutes in Los Angeles, is remarkable not just because it shows a side of Hollywood rarely seen in the cinema, but because the whole film was shot using iPhones.

Ad Networks Using Inaudible Sound To Link Phones, Tablets and Other Devices - Slashdot

Ad Networks Using Inaudible Sound To Link Phones, Tablets and Other Devices - Slashdot

How mobile phones are making childbirth safer in Ethiopia: In Ethiopia where almost nine in every 10 women give birth at

How mobile phones are making childbirth safer in Ethiopia: In Ethiopia where almost nine in every 10 women give birth at home after pregnancies with little or no medical support, a mobile phone app is coming to the rescue with lifesaving guidelines when things go wrong.

Objectively Measured Daily Steps and Subsequent Long Term All-Cause Mortality: The Tasped Prospective Cohort Study: Background

Objectively Measured Daily Steps and Subsequent Long Term All-Cause Mortality: The Tasped Prospective Cohort Study: Background Self–reported physical activity has been inversely associated with mortality but the effect of objectively measured step activity on mortality has never been evaluated....

Leap in Lithium-Air Battery Tech Could Supercharge Electric Cars: Lithium-air batteries can have up to 10 times more capacity

Leap in Lithium-Air Battery Tech Could Supercharge Electric Cars: Lithium-air batteries can have up to 10 times more capacity than lithium-ion ones

UV Angel Automatic UV Disinfection Device for Medical Monitors, Phones, Desktops |: UV Partners, a company based in Livonia,

UV Angel Automatic UV Disinfection Device for Medical Monitors, Phones, Desktops |: UV Partners, a company based in Livonia, Michigan, is releasing an interesting ultraviolet disinfection device for use around clinical environments. UV dis

Mobile phones: Data roaming charges will be abolished - BBC News: Extra costs of using a mobile phone in countries across

Mobile phones: Data roaming charges will be abolished - BBC News: Extra costs of using a mobile phone in countries across the EU are to be scrapped, MEPs have agreed, after years of negotiations.

Are Farmers Being Deliberately Misled About Badger Culls?: Politicians, farmers leaders, and particularly veterinarians,

Are Farmers Being Deliberately Misled About Badger Culls?: Politicians, farmers leaders, and particularly veterinarians, should know better. (picture from Wikipedia)

3-D printing provides low-cost alternative in bronchoscopy simulation training: Researchers from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical

3-D printing provides low-cost alternative in bronchoscopy simulation training: Researchers from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts, found that 3D-printed tracheobronchial tree models compared favorably against other more standard models in training pulmonary physicians to...

SOS via SMS: Help for suicidal teens is a text message away: With younger generations using cellphones less for actual conversation

SOS via SMS: Help for suicidal teens is a text message away: With younger generations using cellphones less for actual conversation and more for text messaging, suicide prevention organizations are setting up ways that let distraught youths seek help that way.

Australians' experiences with access to health care in 2013–14. "Nearly 10% ... avoided seeing a GP due to cost" in some

Australians' experiences with access to health care in 2013–14. "Nearly 10% ... avoided seeing a GP due to cost" in some parts of Australia. (Sample sizes are not quoted in the release but, from another report, it looks like the original survey was of 36,000 Australians aged 15 and over.) The...

Developing a website in Comic Sans - a dyslexia-friendly site consistent with equality and diversity training. Thanks for

Developing a website in Comic Sans - a dyslexia-friendly site consistent with equality and diversity training. Thanks for the challenge Simon! Here is the work in progress. It turns out that Comic Sans is not entirely web friendly (who'd have thought) but the team at have sorted out...

Vitamin D and Health

Although heavy going at times I attended an interesting update on Vitamin D at Truro today. Basically Vitamin D seems ... well ... vital not only for bones but for soft tissues as well(1). It would be interesting to explore the relationship with diabetes, Type 1 in particular, in more detail. I had been...