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showing posts for 'h'

The conundrum of interleukin-6 blockade in COVID-19

"In The Lancet Rheumatology, Noa Biran and colleagues offer important real-life insight into the use of tocilizumab in the most critically ill population of mechanically ventilated patients admitted to the intensive care unit."

School openings across globe suggest ways to keep coronavirus at bay, despite outbreaks

School openings across globe suggest ways to keep coronavirus at bay, despite outbreaks

Creating a digital commons

Creating a digital commons: There are, today, almost no parts of life that are untouched by the presence of data. Virtually every action we take produces some form of digital trail – our phones track our locations, our browsers track searches, our social network apps log our friends and family –...

When Artificial Intelligence Meets the Internet of Things

AIoT: When Artificial Intelligence Meets the Internet of Things: AI is emerging as a driving technology behind the internet of things (IoT). Learn about the new AIoT, and how it will impact the future. Nice visual summary of an exciting area of innovation. The key challenge I feel is who has power over...

'Tombstoning' a tradition, say Moray locals | Press and Journal: Residents in a Moray village have defended the daredevil

'Tombstoning' a tradition, say Moray locals | Press and Journal: Residents in a Moray village have defended the daredevil practice of "tombstoning" by saying it's a local tradition that dates back generations.

Our itch to share helps spread Covid-19 misinformation

Our itch to share helps spread Covid-19 misinformation: Study finds social media sharing affects news judgment, but a quick exercise reduces the problem. Peter Dizikes | MIT News Office. ‘The study follows others Rand and Pennycook have conducted about explicitly political news, which similarly...

The Truth Is Paywalled But The Lies Are Free ❧ Current Affairs

The Truth Is Paywalled But The Lies Are Free ❧ Current Affairs

Establishing a taxonomy of potential hazards associated with communicating medical science in the age of disinformation

“In a globalised information age, medical science can appear disconnected and aloof from those it serves to help. Educational and professional bodies (including universities and medical centres) have a unique societal role to inform their peers and public on evidence-based medicine, and a responsibility...

Immunity to COVID-19 is probably higher than tests have shown: New research from Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University

Immunity to COVID-19 is probably higher than tests have shown: New research from Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital shows that many people with mild or asymptomatic COVID-19 demonstrate so-called T-cell-mediated immunity to the new coronavirus, even if they have not tested positively...

We Thought It Was Just a Respiratory Virus: UCSF researchers are taking a closer look at COVID-19’s dizzying array of

We Thought It Was Just a Respiratory Virus: UCSF researchers are taking a closer look at COVID-19’s dizzying array of symptoms to get at the disease’s root causes.

Retooling Strategy for a Post-Pandemic World

Retooling Strategy for a Post-Pandemic World: Covid-19 has shown us the cost of shortchanging adaptability, prediction and resilience. A perspective on how to guide your business through turbulent times - and some good ideas for how to approach the normal complexity of the real world. How much the 'winners'...

France's global nuclear fusion device a puzzle of huge parts.

France's global nuclear fusion device a puzzle of huge parts: A hugely ambitious project to replicate the energy of the sun is entering a critical phase, as scientists and technicians in southern France begin assembling giant parts of a nuclear fusion device, an international experiment aimed to develop...

What would a Google AI engineer do with 30 years of their family video?

"30 years of family videos in an AI archive: As an Applied AI Engineer, I got down to business and built an AI-powered searchable archive of my family videos." Welcome to the future of home movies. Calling up memories rather than timestamps.

Exploring Faster Screening with Fewer Tests via Bayesian Group Testing:

"Exploring Faster Screening with Fewer Tests via Bayesian Group Testing: Posted by Marco Cuturi and Jean-Philippe Vert, Research Scientists, Google Research, Brain Team How does one find a needle in a haystack..." Testing a population of 16 where only one is positive would require 16 tests. However,...

How the adults in the room handled the economic impact of COVID-19 in March - not the politicians and not their advisers.

"The adults in the room: On Sunday 15 March, the morning before he became the 121st governor of the Bank of England, Andrew Bailey absorbed the news from around the world. In the past 12 hours, the White House had banned all visitors from the UK, Spain had introduced a national lockdown, France had closed...

My next Tweet could be generated by a deep-learning neural network.

blog post image My next tweet could be generated by a deep-learning neural network. I've been training one. Would anyone notice the difference? Could I just hand over tweeting to my machine? Method: downloaded the last 3200 Tweets that I posted using allmytweets.netpruned the dates off and removed the RTs by using some...

Are you a populist right wing conservative? Have you been hooked recently?

If I wanted to find those who have a "conservative ideology" - so that I could share my views or influence them - I would do the following: set up a new account and start making contactsshare several of those technology scare hoax stories that you see posted e.g. Dance of the Pope virus video, the Andrea...

Solving Rubik

Solving Rubik’s Cube with a Robot Hand: We've trained a pair of neural networks to solve the Rubik’s Cube with a human-like robot hand. Instead of thinking too much about the complex algorithms to solve the task they instead focus on creating complex worlds where the machine can learn. This of course...

SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell immunity is seen in cases of COVID-19

SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell immunity in cases of COVID-19 and SARS, and uninfected controls: Memory T cells induced by previous pathogens can shape the susceptibility to, and clinical severity of, subsequent infections1. Little is known about the presence of pre-existing memory T cells in humans with...

Start planning for 6G

"6G will be characterized by provision of advanced services such as truly immersive extended reality (XR), high-fidelity mobile hologram and digital replica." Samsung’s 6G White Paper Lays Out the Company’s Vision for the Next Generation of Communications Technology: On July 14, Samsung released...