Utility of social media and crowd-intelligence data for pharmacovigilance: a scoping review. - PubMed - NCBI "Although social media data has the potential to supplement data from
regulatory agency databases; is able to capture less frequently reported
AEs; and can identify AEs earlier than official...
Source: nih.gov
Closing Knowledge Gaps to Optimize Patient Outcomes and Advance Precision Medicine. "Realizing the promise of precision medicine requires patient engagement
at the key decision points throughout the cancer journey. Previous
research has shown that patients who make the "right" decisions, such as
Source: nih.gov
The challenge of measuring real world community-based interventions. Exposure to a multi-level multi-component childhood obesity prevention community-randomized controlled trial: patterns, determinants, and implications. - PubMed - NCB "Treatment effects may be attenuated in community-based trials,...
Source: nih.gov
Charcot–Leyden crystals - Wikipedia
Source: wikipedia.org
Frailty predicts mortality in all emergency surgical admissions regardless of age. An observational study: “Frail patients in any age group are more likely to die than those that are not frail. We aimed to evaluate the impact of frailty on clinical mortality, readmission rate and length of stay for...
Source: oup.com
It feels as though we learn better via our preferred learning style, but we don’t: A new study helps explain the myth. "Consistent with past research on learning styles, the participants’
preferred learning style (verbal or pictorial) was not related in any
way to how well they recalled the pairs...
Source: bps.org.uk
Online learning is supported by factors such as Accessibility, Functionality, Group discussion, Students' communicationality, and Technology aptitude. It is negatively influenced by time consumption and distraction. Researchers analysed learners on a large online course using thematic analysis and then...
Source: alt.ac.uk
"All forms of Brexit are bad for health, but some are worse than others. This paper builds on our 2017 analysis using the WHO health system building blocks framework to assess the likely effects of Brexit on the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK. We consider four possible scenarios as follows:...
Source: thelancet.com
People in England will be presumed to consent to organ donation unless they opt out. Max and Keira's organ law set to pass. Moving piece about a donor and a recipient of organ transplantation. The evidence is clear that nudging choices by reframing them as opt out rather than opt in greatly increases...
Source: bbc.com
Exoskeleton helps people with paralysis: Floriane is able to walk using an exoskeleton that detects how she wants to move.
Source: bbc.com
Phrases of the day: selective exposure, selective perception, principles knowledge, vicarious trial, change agent, and cue-to-action. I’ve been reading Everett Rogers’ book Diffusion of Innovations with a ‘learning lens’ on. I’m fascinated that the adoption of innovations is so analogous to...
Source: amazon.co.uk
Word of the day: Bürolandschaft - Office landscape. What does this mean for the modern ‘internet of things’ workspace? Can good design and smart equipment work well together? Good to see that the ‘smart workplace’ is climbing the Gartner Hype Curve.
Source: wikipedia.org
Inspired by @oldaily's #el30 Elearning 3.0 series I have just added a
#meded project to the distributed web. It now has a permanent place on
the web without even requiring a server. #eldercareApp
https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/Qme7F72usRCWJtRzRXBaUeKmeQW2xCChdCHaVXQdTJP2c3/ So what does that all...
Source: ipfs.io
Reforms must prepare the UK countryside for climate change and ensure that our use of land supports reduced emissions - Committee on Climate Change: The Paris Agreement demands tougher action to remove greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere. We must, at the same time, prepare for the inevitable...
Source: theccc.org.uk
Surgery students 'losing dexterity to sew': A surgery professor expresses fears over the consequences of a generation more adept at using screens.
Source: bbc.com
Humans blamed for mass wildlife loss: A WWF report blames "exploding consumption" for average losses of 60% among vertebrates since 1970.
Source: bbc.com
The Nobel Peace Prize 2018 was awarded jointly to Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad "for their efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict". "Both laureates have made a crucial contribution to
focusing attention on, and combating, such war crimes. Denis Mukwege is
Source: nobelprize.org
Urban transformation: shopping by kayak in Denmark's greenest neighbourhoods: As nations race to reach ambitious climate goals, can sustainable urban designs help cut energy use and boost social well-being?
Source: trust.org
Risk of first-time and recurrent depression in patients with psoriasis - a population-based cohort study. - PubMed - NCBI
Source: nih.gov
Big nutrition research scandal sees 6 more retractions, purging popular diet tips
Source: arstechnica.com