Urban transformation: shopping by kayak in Denmark's greenest neighbourhoods: As nations race to reach ambitious climate goals, can sustainable urban designs help cut energy use and boost social well-being?
Source: trust.org
Been using this ‘pencil project’ software for flowcharting. Works really well for quickly sketching systems diagrams and workflows that you can export to various formats. It is available on Windows (also as a stand-alone App on PortableApps.com, Linux, and Mac) The ‘sketchy’ style wireframing...
Cognii Virtual Learning Assistant designed and optimized for educational conversation. "Virtual assistants and chat bots such as Siri, Alexa, Cortana and Google Assistant are an increasingly familiar products, simulating human to human interaction with the use of Artificial Intelligence. But these are...
Source: cognii.com
Improving Language Understanding with Unsupervised Learning: We've obtained state-of-the-art results on a suite of diverse language tasks with a scalable, task-agnostic system, which we're also releasing. Our approach is a combination of two existing ideas: transformers and unsupervised pre-training....
Source: openai.com
Cloud-based quantum computer takes on deuteron and wins: Optimized algorithms plus cloud-based quantum computers actually work. Classical computers can solve these problems but this shows that quabtum computers can be programmed to do them as well ... but the progress is slow.
Source: arstechnica.com
There’s no such thing as a ‘detox’ – so let’s ban the word: Using the word detox to promote drinks such as tea as well as food and other products is essentially meaningless. Time to give it a rest, says Anthony Warner
Source: newscientist.com
Why There Are No Bosses at Valve - that is what you need if you want to have a creative and agile business. Hire the right people and give them 6 months to adjust. An article from 2012 on Valve Software—"the company behind the Half-Life, Counter-Strike, and Portal video game series—released its...
Source: bloomberg.com
2018 eLearning Predictions: Updated Hype Curve - Web Courseworks: "The annual Hype Curve evaluation each year is to speak from our experience as a learning technology partner to organizations that provide continuing education and professional development. We use our knowledge of practical use cases to...
Source: webcourseworks.com
Scientists trace 2002 Sars virus to colony of cave-dwelling bats in China
Source: theguardian.com
Complexity in the evaluation of medical education - how would you evaluate this one? I am really enjoying putting together the 'current topics and controversies' week at the end of our module on 'evaluation' in the MSc/PgDip Medical Education programme at University of South Wales - though I am now...
Oral anticoagulants for prevention of stroke in atrial fibrillation: systematic review, network meta-analysis, and cost effectiveness analysis: Objective To compare the efficacy, safety, and cost effectiveness of direct acting oral anticoagulants (DOACs) for patients with atrial fibrillation.
Source: bmj.com
A cross-sectional examination of psychological distress, positive mental health and their predictors in medical students in their clinical clerkships: Medical students can experience the transition from theory to clinical clerkships as stressful. Scientific literature on the mental health of clinical...
Source: biomedcentral.com
What do Japanese residents learn from treating dying patients? The implications for training in end-of-life care: How medical residents’ experiences with care for dying patients affect their emotional well-being, their learning outcomes, and the formation of their professional identities is not fully...
Source: biomedcentral.com
Donald Clark Plan B: Kirkpatrick evaluation: kill it - happy sheet nonsense, well past its sell-by-date
Source: blogspot.co.uk
Mind-Altering Cat Parasite Linked To a Whole Lot of Neurological Disorders - Slashdot: schwit1 shares a report from ScienceAlert: The brain-dwelling parasite Toxoplasma gondii is estimated to be hosted by at least 2 billion people around the world, and new evidence suggests the lodger could be more dangerous...
Source: slashdot.org
Short-duration podcasts as a supplementary learning tool: perceptions of medical students and impact on assessment performance: Use of podcasts has several advantages in medical education. Podcasts can be of different types based on their length: short (1–5 min), moderate (6–15 min) and long (>15 min)...
Source: biomedcentral.com
Chatbots as a Patient Engagement solution – Florence.chat "Chatbots are computer programs that are able to conduct a conversation
and are typically used in dialog systems for various practical purposes
including customer service or information acquisition. Despite their
creation more than 60...
Source: florence.chat
A qualitative exploration of student perceptions of the impact of progress tests on learning and emotional wellbeing: Progress testing was introduced to the MBChB programme at the University of Auckland in 2013. As there has been a focus in published literature on aspects relating to the format or function...
Source: biomedcentral.com
Continuing professional development: progress beyond continuing medical education: Continuing medical education (CME) is rapidly evolving into competency-based continuing professional development (CPD) and this is driving change in self-directed CPD programs undertaken by individual practitioners as...
Source: amegroups.com
Whole grain cereals for cardiovascular disease | Cochrane "There is insufficient evidence from RCTs of an effect of whole grain diets on cardiovascular outcomes or on major CVD risk factors such as blood lipids and blood pressure. Trials were at unclear or high risk of bias with small sample sizes and...
Source: cochrane.org