Using social media to support small group learning: Medical curricula are increasingly using small group learning and less didactic lecture-based teaching. This creates new challenges and opportunities in how students are best supported with information technology. We explored how university-supported...
Could analysing personalised learning be better matched if physicians are first classified into competency groups? Using latent class analysis to identify physician competency reveals four distinct subgroups in this cross-sectional study in China. The survey tool is large at over 100 items long but included...
Surgeons trained with touch-and-feel VR: Virtual reality technology that lets trainee surgeons feel "flesh and bone" is developed. Haptic feedback added to the virtual experience of anatomy and pathology. I'm not usually a techno-enthusiast but this has enormous potential for surgical skills training....
Massive year-on-year increase in number of patients waiting in A&E over 12 hours - Hospital Dr
Facebook accused of fake audience numbers: Facebook Inc. claims its ads have the potential to reach more people than recent U.S. census data shows exist, and that’s troublesome for one analyst, who thinks third-party measurement services stand to benefit.
Head of stroke programme condemns HSE inertia "Widespread inertia in the health service is leaving
Ireland unprepared to cope with a huge increase in the number of stroke
patients over the next decade, the outgoing head of the national stroke
programme has warned.
4 maps that will change how you see migration in Europe: These maps show European migration in numbers – with surprising results.
Theresa May could be paving the way to change her policy on foreign students: The Government will today pave the way for a climbdown over Theresa May’s controversial policy of counting foreign students as migrants in official immigration statistics. Amber Rudd, the Home Secretary, will ask her independent...
Baby boomers' drink and drug misuse needs urgent action, warn experts: By 2020, the number of over-50s receiving treatment for substance misuse problems is expected to double in Europe and treble in the US, say researchers
England will need over 71,000 extra care home places by 2025: The number of older people who will need substantial care is set to rise by 85.7 per cent, as increases in “healthspan” continue to lag behind longer lifespans
Passing the MRCP - an approach to REALLY hard questions. In your revision for the MRCP you will come across very tricky MCQs. You know the ones ... the ones that you have no idea what the correct answer is, or the correct answer surprises you, or they are discussed by other candidates who can't agree...
Man with motor neurone disease climbs Snowdon in wheelchair - BBC News: Jason Liversidge, who has motor neurone disease, now plans to abseil off the Humber Bridge. Great video of Jason Liversidge and family battling their way up Snowdon with the wheelchair, ramps, and determination.
Rapid assessment and frailty: Beverley Marriott is a Advanced nurse practitioner working in the Birmingham community healthcare foundation trust. She is also a King’s College Older Person Fellow. "There continues to be a growing emphasis on older people and emergency hospital admissions, with Frailty...
Trying to write a killer headline for social? Here are some of the most (and least) effective phrases: Jostling for readers for your listicle on Facebook? Aim for the number "10" in your headline.
Trying to promote a story on Twitter? Emotion-based appeals popular on Facebook don't translate to Twitter....
85 percent of Americans use mobile devices to access news — and seniors are driving that number up: Most people in the U.S. — 85 percent of U.S. adults — have used a mobile device to access news at some point, up from around just 50 percent in 2013. But put aside any assumptions about which groups...
Bolstering the workforce is the key to the survival of the NHS | Niall Dickson: Falling staff numbers demand radical answers if we are to meet the challenges that face the health service
High performance communication by people with paralysis using an intracortical brain-computer interface: People with various forms paralysis not only have difficulties getting around, but also are less able to use many communication technologies including computers. In particular, strokes, neurological...
Algorithm does real-time, city-wide ridesharing: Could cut NYC's taxi count by 75 percent while still providing the same number of rides.
Bitcoin breaks $1,000 level, highest in more than 3 years: Bitcoin has been on a steady march higher, driven by a number of factors such as the devaluation of the yuan and geopolitical uncertainty.
Medgadget's Best Medical Technologies of 2016 |: The year 2016 presented the world with a number of big surprises. Some positive, some negative, depending on whom one asks. Here at Medgadget, 2016 will be