Deep learning network as good as medics at identifying skin cancers. "While there are still many visual tasks where humans perform better than computers, computers are catching up. Part of the reason for computers' progress has been the development of what are called "deep neural networks," which chain...
Another survey finds users aren’t that engaged with online video: News organizations have been producing loads of video content to fill social media feeds and attract higher ad rates, but a new report from the social analytics firm finds that users engage with video much less than other content...
Why You Shouldn't Listen to Music While You Work: Unless you’re a truck driver or surgeon, it will hurt your performance.
In this era of fears that Artificial Intelligence will destroy humanity, SARA is a Socially-Aware Robot Assistant, developed in Carnegie Mellon University’s ArticuLab. SARA interacts with people in a whole new way, personalizing the interaction and improving task performance by relying on information...
E-learning predictions for 2017. Joining the folly of futurists and pollsters here are my e-learning predictions for 2017. I'm looking forward to engaging with as many of them as I can. Conversational technology. Why not have immediate access and personal learning support on platforms through messaging...
Next Generation Learning Analytics: Or, How Learning Analytics is Passé: "'Learning Analytics,' as so many know it, is already passé. There is almost always a disconnect between research innovation and the popular imagination. By the time a new concept or approach achieves widespread acceptance, its...
Proof that Grampound has taste: THE rebuilt Grampound Hall hosted its first performance on October 5, 2004. On October 4 the performance of C-scape's Taste was the 200th show held in the hall over those ten years. Those 200 shows...
The secret to a younger brain may lie in exercising your body: It is widely recognised that our physical fitness is reflected in our mental fitness, especially as we get older. How does being physically fit affect our aging brains? Neuroimaging studies, in which the activity of different parts of the...
The VW scandal exposes the high tech control of engine emissions: Computers control much of an engine's performance these days. And it's surprisingly easy to tweak the software to bypass emissions controls, as done by Volkswagen.