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showing posts for 'many'

Lorentzian-geometry-based analysis of airplane boarding policies highlights

Lorentzian-geometry-based analysis of airplane boarding policies highlights “slow passengers first” as better: This paper tackles the problem of airplane boarding by making use of geodesics in an appropriate spacetime. The authors find that boarding slower passengers first reduces the total boarding...

Diet and Dermatology: Google Search Results for Acne, Psoriasis, and Eczema

Diet and Dermatology: Google Search Results for Acne, Psoriasis, and Eczema: It is difficult to regulate the abundance of medical information that is available to patients on the Internet. This systematic review evaluated content available online related to diet and 3 dermatologic conditions: acne, psoriasis,...

In search of the secret handshakes of ID

"Many of my sponsoring stakeholders - that is, the people with the power to buy instructional design services - wouldn’t have known a learning solution if it bit them on the toe. Frankly, they really didn’t care about learning. They really didn’t want me to tell them...

Media predictions for 2020 from BBC's Amol Rajan

Amol Rajan's 9 media predictions for 2020: Could we see streamageddon, eco-browsing, the break-up of Amazon and a new owner for ITV? "The data shows we really are living through the most extraordinarily peaceful, prosperous, wealthy, healthy, safe period in human history. There is strong evidence to...

Milasen - a drug developed for a single patient.

Patient-Customized Oligonucleotide Therapy for a Rare Genetic Disease | NEJM: Summary Genome sequencing is often pivotal in the diagnosis of rare diseases, but many of these conditions lack specific treatments. We describe how molecular diagnosis of a rare, fatal neurodegenerative condition led to the...

Drugmaker to Test Machine Learning to Prevent Drug Shortages: Germany-based Merck plans to use analytics and machine learning

Drugmaker to Test Machine Learning to Prevent Drug Shortages: Germany-based Merck plans to use analytics and machine learning to predict and prevent drug shortages, a move that could also save it money.

HERhealth ... Increasing the ability of low-income women to take charge of their health

HERhealth™ | Programs | HERproject "Women working in global supply chains, many of whom are young and undereducated migrants, have limited health knowledge and often lack access to critical health services and products."

Why People Demanded Privacy to Confide in the World

"To encourage ongoing dialogue, Weizenbaum designed Eliza to simulate the type of conversational style used by a Rogerian psychoanalyst. The program would take something the user said and reflect it back with a question ... during their brief interactions with Eliza, many users began forming emotional...

German Digital Healthcare Act promotes digital health.

German Digital Healthcare Act - Frontiers Health: Bundestag adopts law on reimbursement for digital health application in Germany. "health apps, which can help patients to manage a diagnosed medical condition, can from January 2020 onwards be prescribed by their doctors. The costs are borne by the statutory...

14 Different Types of Learning in Machine Learning.

14 Different Types of Learning in Machine Learning: Machine learning is a large field of study that overlaps with and inherits ideas from many related fields such as artificial intelligence. The focus of the field is learning, that is, acquiring skills or knowledge from experience. Most commonly, this...

Teaching a difficult topic in medical genetics using a problem-based concept resembling a computer game.

Teaching a difficult topic using a problem-based concept resembling a computer game: development and evaluation of an e-learning application for medical molecular genetics: E-learning through serious gaming. Teaching concepts such as genetic testing and the digital literacy required to analyse data can...

So What's the DEAL?: An Interview with Springer Nature's Dagmar Laging: An interview with Springer Nature's Dagmar Laging

So What's the DEAL?: An Interview with Springer Nature's Dagmar Laging: An interview with Springer Nature's Dagmar Laging about the emerging transformative open access agreement with Germany's Projekt DEAL.

A Gentle Introduction to Joint, Marginal, and Conditional Probability: Probability quantifies the uncertainty of the outcomes

A Gentle Introduction to Joint, Marginal, and Conditional Probability: Probability quantifies the uncertainty of the outcomes of a random variable. It is relatively easy to understand and compute the probability for a single variable. Nevertheless, in machine learning, we often have many random variables...

Four Key Barriers to the Widespread Adoption of AI: There is a lot of buzz about the promise of artificial intelligence

Four Key Barriers to the Widespread Adoption of AI: There is a lot of buzz about the promise of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning—from self-driving cars to predicting heart attacks, AI is spreading like wildfire across industries, triggering a massive investment in talent as businesses...

A kauri tree stump is kept alive by its neighbours through hydraulic coupling. Forests should be viewed as living organisms.

A kauri tree stump is kept alive by its neighbours through hydraulic coupling. Forests should be viewed as living organisms. "Trees are commonly regarded as distinct entities, but the roots of many species fuse to form natural root grafts allowing the exchange of water, carbon, mineral nutrients, and...

The AI That Could Help Curb Youth Suicide: For many reasons, parents and teachers may fail to intervene when they spot signs

The AI That Could Help Curb Youth Suicide: For many reasons, parents and teachers may fail to intervene when they spot signs of trouble in LGBT teens. Can Google help?

Instead of building (only) strong relationships we should aim for many acquaintances. There is resilience for organisations

Instead of building (only) strong relationships we should aim for many acquaintances. There is resilience for organisations and communities in these weak ties. Granovetter’s theory of the strength of weak ties.

Humanitarian health computing using artificial intelligence and social media: A narrative literature review. "The feasibility

Humanitarian health computing using artificial intelligence and social media: A narrative literature review. "The feasibility of using AI to extract valuable information during a humanitarian health crisis is proven in many cases. There is a lack of research on how to integrate the use of AI into...

Wales' Brexit vote had deeper roots than many are willing to admit: Martin Johnes, Professor of History at Swansea University

Wales' Brexit vote had deeper roots than many are willing to admit: Martin Johnes, Professor of History at Swansea University The Brexit vote was a profound shock to those who like to believe that Wales has a distinctive and progressive culture. It is little wonder that people looked for someone to...

Inspired by @oldaily's #el30 Elearning 3.0 series I have just added a #meded project to the distributed web. It now has

Inspired by @oldaily's #el30 Elearning 3.0 series I have just added a #meded project to the distributed web. It now has a permanent place on the web without even requiring a server. #eldercareApp So what does that all...