London's optical illusion speed bumps - BBC News: Speed bumps have been painted on a London road as part of a pilot scheme to deter drivers from exceeding 20mph. Wonder if they could be tried in our village. Avoid the expense, the noise, and the interference with buses and emergency vehicles by painting...
London has implemented an interesting idea to curb speeding: magic. The British capital has painted optical illusions on its streets as part of a pilot program to get drivers to slow down, according to podcast 99% Invisible. The idea is both simple and clever: Paint the streets to look like they have...
The secret of passing the MRCP part 1 exam. You may not like the answer but read on ... Going on the right course? Reading the right books? Forming a question group? Signing up to an online question bank? Doing the right job whilst sitting the exam? Joining a Facebook forum? Doing past papers? All of...
Machines evaluating applicants? 'So what could admissions look like in 20 years? From a school’s perspective, automation will take on a lot of the human-led work, according to Steve Farmer, Vice Provost for Enrollment and Undergraduate Admissions at the University of North Carolina.' Reports University...
In FutureLearn's MOOCs, Conversation Powers Learning at Massive Scale: Personalized learning has to get social. Students learn better through conversation. Nice overview of FutureLearn's approach to MOOCs by Professor Mike Sharples highlighting the potential of personalization of learning through conversation....
"DECODE provides tools that put individuals in control of whether they keep their personal data private or share it for the public good." "DECODE is an experimental project to develop practical alternatives to how we use the internet today - four European pilots will show the wider social value that...
Readers seem willing to pay for news sites centered around a place. What about sites built on an issue?: "There are a lot of ways to define 'community.' We know it can be built around geography. But there should also be a community of people who care about climate, a community of people who care about...
'7lbs in 7 days' retreat at Juicy Oasis Feb 20-27th 2016. Blog about the retreat. Just returned from a week at Juicy Oasis in Portugal - a health and spa retreat based on a juicing diet run by Jason Vale. It was a lovely sunny escape from the February cold and rain in the UK. The main features were...
Feds Call Tesla's AutoPilot Safe: Not only does NHTSA exonerate AutoPilot for the May 2016 fatality, it credits the system for reducing crashes by 40 percent overall
The Internet Archive is building up a Trump presidential library — of everything he’s ever said, on video: President-elect Donald J. Trump says a lot of things — and often denies a lot of the things he's said.
The Internet Archive launched Thursday a huge Trump Archive dedicated to housing videos...
The $800 laundry-folding robot for those who don't have a housekeeper - ExtremeTech: Foldimate will fold a laundry basket of clothes in about 3 minutes. Shirts, T-shirts, pants yes; tablecloths, beach towels and socks, no.
Remote intelligence will be with us before artificial intelligence concludes Richard Baldwin in his book "The Great Convergence". He proposes this future by explaining the present state of global trade in terms of three "separation costs"; transport, knowledge, and people. Transport costs fell with...
The Internet Archive just got a bit more useful - and a lot more political - ExtremeTech: seems to think the Trump Administration will be so disastrous for data freedom that it is literally moving (a copy) to Canada.
Urine test for fatigue could help prevent accidents: Doctors, pilots, air traffic controllers and bus drivers have at least one thing in common -- if they're exhausted at work, they could be putting lives at risk. But the development of a new urine test, reported in the ACS journal Analytical Chemistry,...
Reuters built its own algorithmic prediction tool to help it spot (and verify) breaking news on Twitter: "The world has a lot more witnesses now, and we can't be at everything. Our tool helps shift some of the burden of witnessing and lets journalists do much more of the high value-added work."
Good read. The most good you can do by Peter Singer. This is about effective altruism. If you are going to give away your money how can ensure you give it to the most effective resources? More than that if you've decided to give away money what is the best job that you can do? There are some extreme...
Just read Sapiens by Yuval Harari. Sparkling account and interesting perspective of the history of humankind. Full of stories. Learnt about Montezuma, learnt a lot about the agricultural revolution, the affluence of hunter-gatherers, and a lot about our disregard for other animals. Basically we haven't...
Nicola Sturgeon to provide free 'baby box' to new parents: First minister’s proposal will offer clothes, nappies and toys in bid to tackle infant poverty rates in Scotland
Good read. Animal Liberation by Peter Singer. A powerful book on animal rights written 40 years ago (updated 20 years ago and re-issued recently with an introduction by Yuval Hariri) and having stood the test of time and debate. It is called 'the bible' of the animal rights movement and rightly so ......
In this book Tony Atkinson - Centennial Professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science - asks the question, "If we wish to reduce the extent of inequality, how can this be done?"
His answer includes looking at history for evidence of what has worked in the past and what could be...