OntarioMD expanding virtual events, as first virtual conference breaks participation records
Source: ontariomd.blog
Photographer 'Devastated' After Her Unsplash Photo Was Used in 'Crass' UK Ad Campaign: Atlanta photographer Krys Alex is speaking out after a portrait she took and posted to Unsplash was used in a controversial UK ad campaign.
Source: petapixel.com
Africa is a great opportunity for ecommerce in coming decades and Nigeria's Paystack has been growing fast. "Stripe is a San Francisco-based fintech startup that provides payments infrastructure for businesses. Its software and APIs are used by millions of companies of all sizes to accept payments,...
Source: techstartups.com
Apple iPhone 12: The chip advance set to make smartphones smarter: A chip-making process pioneered in the Netherlands will let smartphones take the next leap forward.
Source: bbc.co.uk
"Black in Tech Berlin" campaigns for the employment of young black engineers | Africanews
Source: africanews.com
Benin innovation hub | Africanews: An innovation centre in Benin is poised to "solve African problems."
Source: africanews.com
Crowds of regular people are as good at moderating fake news on Facebook as professional fact-checkers
Source: niemanlab.org
Dying in a Leadership Vacuum Why has the United States handled this pandemic so badly? The NEJM Editors asks what has gone so wrong in the US and lays the blame with the political leadership. "This crisis has produced a test of leadership. With no good options to combat a novel pathogen, countries were...
Source: nejm.org
"It was predicted in March 2020 that in response to covid-19 a broad lockdown, as opposed to a focus on shielding the most vulnerable members of society, would reduce immediate demand for ICU beds at the cost of more deaths long term. The optimal strategy for saving lives in a covid-19 epidemic is different...
Source: bmj.com
A new study shows how Trump and the RNC duped traditional media into covering mail-in voter fraud: "To the extent that the mass media model we identify here is the primary driver of information disorder, it will not be cured by more fact checking on Facebook."
Source: niemanlab.org
The Insufferable Hubris of the Well-Credentialed: A four-year college degree has become necessary for dignified work. Michael Sandel says that’s a huge mistake. "The meritocratic hubris of elites is the conviction by those who land on top that their success is their own doing, that they have risen...
Source: chronicle.com
Study: Neanderthal genes are a liability for COVID patients: Scientists say genes that some people have inherited from their Neanderthal ancestors may increase their likelihood of suffering severe forms of COVID-19.
Source: medicalxpress.com
Psoriasis severity: commonly used clinical thresholds may not adequately convey patient impact - PubMed: Patients with PASI or BSA scores less than 10 can have major quality of life impairment. In general, the objective measures of BSA and PASI alone, when excluding DLQI, may not fully capture the impact...
Source: nih.gov
The truth about the Second Wave - uncancelled: We need to move away from binary certainties – the battle of the Professors of Hope vs the Doom mongers is not a helpful one. The truth is somewhere in between. It’s nuanced. Dr Matt Morgan, ICU Consultant in Cardiff, argues that we need to say "I don't...
Source: uncancelled.co.uk
A supplement in BMC Medical Education on Health Professional Education accreditation from the community of practice The International Health Professions Accreditation Outcomes Consortium (IFPAOC) - which was founded in 2012. This supplement focuses on graduate and residency programmes but it also addresses...
Source: biomedcentral.com
5,000 people have pledged to give at least 10% of their lifetime incomes to effective charities: Today we reached a major milestone. More than 5,000 people have pledged to give at least ten percent of their lifetime earnings to effective charities.
Source: givingwhatwecan.org
Free Intro to Linux Course Surpasses One Million Enrollments - Linux Foundation - Training: The Linux Foundation course has consistently been one of edX’s most popular offerings. 60 hours of course materials and assignments.
Source: linuxfoundation.org
Taking the temperature of the ocean by measuring the speed of sound waves passing through it: A team of researchers from the California Institute of Technology and the Chinese Academy of Sciences has developed a way to detect changes in ocean temperatures by measuring sound waves generated by underwater...
Source: phys.org
Sports During COVID-19 - When What Doesn't Matter Actually Matters a Lot - HIV and ID Observations:
"A few weeks ago, I got a text from a long-time ID colleague here in Boston: Hey Paul want ur opinion … this is for an interview with MLB radio, and no one knows less about baseball than I do, but...
Source: jwatch.org
Here’s Why Video Content and Education are Closer Than Ever | Emerging Education Technologies
Source: emergingedtech.com