APOD: 2015 December 31 - Solstice Sun at Lulworth Cove
Source: nasa.gov
'Darwin's puddle' shows how new species can emerge without geographic separation
Source: phys.org
Why Is So Much Reported Science Wrong - Slashdot
Source: slashdot.org
Professor Nowotny's book (The Cunning of Uncertainty) celebrating the edge of what we know and the inevitable uncertainties around us. Touches on current issues such as finance, climate change, and terrorism. Written by a former president of the European Research Council the book covers many aspects...
Source: wiley.com
A not-so-modest proposal to remove atmospheric carbon dioxide: You just have to spread rock powder over a Russia-sized area. Every year.
Source: arstechnica.com
This Christmas, take heart: Capitalism [free trade] is saving the world [reducing poverty]: As the remarkable retreat of malaria across Africa shows, free trade is a very efficient way of spreading medicine and wealth.
Source: telegraph.co.uk
Government launches first 'TripAdvisor' style website for care homes: The system will allow residents and relatives to provide reviews of care homes and to give them a star rating
Source: telegraph.co.uk
APOD: 2015 December 2 - Golden Gate Sunset: Green Flash
Source: nasa.gov
Hand-worn Robot to Help Blind People Navigate and Intelligently Grasp Objects. "A team of collaborators from the University of Nevada, Reno and the University of Arkansas, Little Rock are starting work on a robotic device worn on the hand that will work to extend the abilities of blind people to move...
Source: medgadget.com
Tier 2 immigration cap preventing NHS from effective overseas recruitment - Hospital Dr
Source: hospitaldr.co.uk
APOD: 2015 December 6 - A Force from Empty Space: The Casimir Effect
Source: nasa.gov
Why It's Such a Big Deal That Mainstream Glucometers are Going Wireless |: In recent months the two largest glucose meter companies quietly released products that signal a tectonic shift in diabetes care. They didn't grab many hea
Source: medgadget.com
Cycling infrastructure (changes to the road environment) for reducing cycling injuries in cyclists | Cochrane
Source: cochrane.org
Is this a circle? Your answer could reveal your political stance: A simple test has been devised that could determine your political outlook, according to a study. Researchers say those who see the shape above as a circle are more likely to have liberal political views.
Source: independent.co.uk
Security Council ‘Unequivocally’ Condemns ISIL Terrorist Attacks, Unanimously Adopting Text that Determines Extremist Group Poses ‘Unprecedented’ Threat | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases
Source: www.un.org
Organ donation: Groundbreaking law change in Wales means all adults become donors: Revolutionary new system will 'save hundreds of lives' in dramatic departure from current 'opt-in' process and will be closely watched by rest of UK
Source: telegraph.co.uk
APOD: 2015 November 23 - A 212 Hour Exposure of Orion
Source: nasa.gov
Japanese Company Makes Low-Calorie Noodles Out of Wood - Slashdot
Source: slashdot.org
Investigation Reveals How Easy It Is To Hijack a Science Journal Website - Slashdot
Source: slashdot.org
This Buddhist temple's 1,400-year-old ginkgo tree is dropping a sea of yellow: Thousands of people from all over China have headed to the Zhongnan Mountains to appreciate the simple beauty of a tree shedding its leaves for the 1,400th consecutive year. The storied gingko tree’s leaves start falling...
Source: independent.co.uk