Understanding and Creating Calculators for Medical Diagnoses: Exclusive Interview with MDCalc |: MDCalc is a 13-year-old medical reference started by two practicing emergency medicine physicians, Dr. Joe Habboushe and Dr. Graham Walker. A
Source: medgadget.com
Interview: The BMJ's Patient Review Initiative - A Novel Expansion of Peer Review - The Scholarly Kitchen: Kent Anderson looks at an innovative approach to peer review that has expanded, changed review approaches, and impressed authors.
Source: sspnet.org
I've been looking for another way of presenting evidence for instructional design that is more efficient than simple lectures. The data collected by Benjamin Bloom and published in 1984 seems useful and I've redrawn the graph so it looks more modern than the line drawings of the original. Learning...
Source: wikipedia.org
Stanford Researchers Plan to Replace Progressive Lenses With 'Autofocals' - ExtremeTech: Death, taxes, and vision problems are all unavoidable, eventually. A team at Stanford is paving the way for a much better solution to the universal problem of a decrease in our eyes' ability to refocus as we age.
Source: extremetech.com
Network theory links behavioral information flow with contained epidemic outbreaks: Over the last two decades, large-scale outbreaks of infectious diseases have resulted in high levels of morbidity, mortality, and overall economic burden for affected regions. As complex networks become increasingly popular...
Source: phys.org
WiFi Radio Signals Let MIT Researchers Track Movements of People |: Patients that wander away from their beds are a constant headache for nurses, while those that stay bedridden for too long can create problems of their own. New technology from MIT may soon allow hospital staff to see in real time the...
Source: medgadget.com
Medical Mystery: Something Happened to U.S. Health Spending After 1980: The spending began soaring beyond that of other advanced nations, but without the same benefits in life expectancy.
Source: nytimes.com
Cognii Virtual Learning Assistant designed and optimized for educational conversation. "Virtual assistants and chat bots such as Siri, Alexa, Cortana and Google Assistant are an increasingly familiar products, simulating human to human interaction with the use of Artificial Intelligence. But these are...
Source: cognii.com
Models of online & flexible learning - The Ed Techie An outline of the work done to develop conceptual models and current practice of how higher education institutions provide content, its delivery, and how the learner's work is recognised across the dimensions of openness and digitalisation - a...
Source: edtechie.net
Improving Language Understanding with Unsupervised Learning: We've obtained state-of-the-art results on a suite of diverse language tasks with a scalable, task-agnostic system, which we're also releasing. Our approach is a combination of two existing ideas: transformers and unsupervised pre-training....
Source: openai.com
Playbook for Launching a Local, Nonprofit News Outlet - Shorenstein Center: This playbook was written as part of a policy analysis exercise (PAE), an academic project where Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) students develop solutions for a public or nonprofit sector policy or management issue presented by...
Source: shorensteincenter.org
Rivaroxaban for Stroke Prevention after Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source | NEJM: Original Article from The New England Journal of Medicine — Rivaroxaban for Stroke Prevention after Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source
Source: nejm.org
On-site pathology testing in remote Australia benefits patients and cuts costs: Remote Australian Indigenous communities are benefiting from the use of portable, point of care testing devices to quickly diagnosis acutely ill patients. The devices are also helping healthcare staff identify patients who...
Source: eurekalert.org
The words we use in Diabetes. A language matters booklet from NHS England introduced by Partha Kar about the choice of words when communicating with people about diabetes. Really nice piece of work explaining how to bring more empathy to your conversations and less stigma.
Source: england.nhs.uk
Frozen Pluto has wind-blown dunes made of methane sand. The same complex forces that make the patterns in our world that we so admire also work in alien worlds but, as in Pluto, on substances that would be truly exotic here on earth.
Source: arstechnica.com
Why Thousands of AI Researchers Are Boycotting the New Nature Journal - Slashdot: An anonymous reader shares an excerpt from a report via The Guardian, written by Neil Lawrence, the founding editor of the freely available journal Proceedings of Machine Learning Research: Machine learning has demonstrated...
Source: slashdot.org
A Brief History of Intel CPUs, Part 1: The 4004 to the Pentium Pro - ExtremeTech: We dive into the history of Intel CPUs and the x86 architecture. From the very first microprocessor, through to the father of modern CPUs.
Source: extremetech.com
Simulation based education and expansive learning in health professional education: A discussion: The aim of this paper is to discuss the application of Simulation Based Education (SBE) in nursing and wider health professional education. Simulated Learning (SL) is discussed in relation to its history,...
Source: journals.sfu.ca
Politics is way worse because we use an atrocious 18th century voting system. Aaron Hamlin has a viable plan to fix it.
"Say there’s an independent or a third party candidate that you really like, but you’re looking at them and you think: ‘God, this person is never going to win, what I should...
Source: 80000hours.org
Aligning an undergraduate psychological medicine subject with the mental health needs of the local region: The James Cook University (JCU) medical school recently revised its Year 2 human development and behaviour module to be more relevant and practical for students, and more aligned with the mental...
Source: biomedcentral.com