How this local news co-op gets its members interested: Getting them involved in the production of news: The Bristol Cable now has a solid stable of members who can be involved in every stage — from pitching story ideas to assisting in investigations to delivering the quarterly print paper.
How one country persuaded teens to give up drink and drugs: Iceland used to have a big teenage drinking, smoking and drug problem. Now it doesn't.
Towards a Competence-Based Course Authoring Tool Supporting Learning Management Systems: To establish a more comparable, compatible, and coherent system of higher education in Europe, the so-called Bologna Process (BP) has been adopted. As a measure to improve comparability, the BP requires that every...
A model for the use of blended learning in large group teaching sessions: Although blended learning has the potential to enhance the student experience, both in terms of engagement and flexibility, it can be difficult to effectively restructure existing courses. To achieve these goals for an introductory...
The DPCC-MS communication skills competency instrument. A simple 5 item instrument. "Validation of the 5-item doctor-patient communication competency instrument for medical students (DPCC-MS) using two years of assessment data: Medical students on clinical rotations have to be assessed on several competencies...
Could analysing personalised learning be better matched if physicians are first classified into competency groups? Using latent class analysis to identify physician competency reveals four distinct subgroups in this cross-sectional study in China. The survey tool is large at over 100 items long but included...
What do Japanese residents learn from treating dying patients? The implications for training in end-of-life care: How medical residents’ experiences with care for dying patients affect their emotional well-being, their learning outcomes, and the formation of their professional identities is not fully...
Denying patients NHS treatment based on lifestyle factors is not conducive to a good doctor-patient relationship. In response to the Hertfordshire Valley CCG’s decision to restrict
access to routine surgery until morbidly obese patients have lost
weight, or smokers have given up, as discussed...
Reducing patient mortality, length of stay and readmissions through machine learning-based sepsis prediction in the emergency department, intensive care unit and hospital floor units. Sepsis management is a challenge for hospitals nationwide, as severe sepsis carries high mortality rates and costs...
Neutron stars collide, solve major astronomical mysteries: Produces light and gravitational waves, confirms collisions produce fast gamma ray bursts, heavy elements.
Eldercare - an open source project for clinical measurement scales and summaries / links to guidelines in geriatric medicine. I have been working on this with colleagues at Royal Cornwall Hospital as an educational tool that can run on any mobile device and (when it is wrapped into an Android or iOS...
Testing blood procalcitonin levels to decide when to start and stop antibiotics in adults with acute respiratory tract infections | Cochrane
YoDerm Provides Consultations and Prescriptions Within 24 Hours |: In many areas the wait time to see a dermatologist can span weeks or even months, leaving those with acute or chronic skin conditions frustrated. YoDerm is
How older people move in bed when they are ill: Kenneth Rockwood MD, FRCPC, FRCP is Professor of Medicine (Geriatric Medicine & Neurology) at Dalhousie University, and a staff physician at the Halifax Infirmary of the Nova Scotia Health Auth…
Nintendo Wii Now Used to Improve Lives of Parkinson's Patients |: Researchers from Purdue University, Indiana University, and the University of Calgary have developed and are testing a set of video games to help improve the everyday lives of people with Parkinson’s disease. The team relied on a Nintendo...
From research to practice: results of 7300 mortality retrospective case record reviews in four acute hospitals in the North-East of England. Reviews using clinicians within trusts produce lower estimates of preventable deaths than published results using external clinicians. More research is needed...
Smartphone Heart Monitor Beats Doctors at Diagnosing Atrial Fibrillation: The Kardia heart monitor from AliveCor did almost 4 times better than doctors providing standard care
Mind-Altering Cat Parasite Linked To a Whole Lot of Neurological Disorders - Slashdot: schwit1 shares a report from ScienceAlert: The brain-dwelling parasite Toxoplasma gondii is estimated to be hosted by at least 2 billion people around the world, and new evidence suggests the lodger could be more dangerous...
Short-duration podcasts as a supplementary learning tool: perceptions of medical students and impact on assessment performance: Use of podcasts has several advantages in medical education. Podcasts can be of different types based on their length: short (1–5 min), moderate (6–15 min) and long (>15 min)...
The bilingual brain calculates differently depending on the language used: How do multilingual people solve arithmetical tasks presented to them in different languages? The question will gain in importance in the future, as an increasingly globalized job market and accelerated migration will mean that...