A kauri tree stump is kept alive by its neighbours through hydraulic coupling. Forests should be viewed as living organisms. "Trees are commonly regarded as distinct entities, but the roots of many species fuse to form natural root grafts allowing the exchange of water, carbon, mineral nutrients, and...
Source: cell.com
Development of new antibiotics encouraged with new pharmaceutical payment system: The NHS will test the world's first ‘subscription’ style payment model to incentivise pharmaceutical companies to develop new drugs for resistant infections.
"The new trial will be led by the National Institute for...
Source: www.gov.uk
Wristband with Sensors to Improve Lives of Dementia Patients. "At the Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration in Berlin, Germany researchers are working on a sensor and software package that would help people developing dementia to slow down the disease progression [by this I presume...
Source: medgadget.com
A Brief History of Intel CPUs, Part 1: The 4004 to the Pentium Pro - ExtremeTech: We dive into the history of Intel CPUs and the x86 architecture. From the very first microprocessor, through to the father of modern CPUs.
Source: extremetech.com
Microsoft sinks data centre off Orkney: The sea will keep the data centre cool, but the computers onboard will not be repairable if they break down. An interesting experiment which saves on the enormous cooling costs of data centres and will evaluate the failure rate and performance of the IT. What happens...
Source: bbc.co.uk
The Future of Education is the Microdegree. "Microdegrees, such as Udacity’s nanodegrees, appear to be here to stay. The reason is simple. Increasingly, what people learn during college holds little or no relevance to what they end up doing on the job. This isn’t because what they are learning is...
Source: elearninginside.com
Microbe new to science found in self-fermented beer: New technique helps disentangle the various species of yeast and bacteria that live in “'wild beer”' "In May 2014, a group of scientists took a field trip to a small brewery in an old warehouse in Seattle, Washington. They were looking for some...
Source: sciencemag.org
Just killed off my @paper_li paper #EdMedTech Daily as it just proved impossible to filter out all the alternative health nonsense and proposed diabetes cures. The microblogging service that uses your twitter followers and keywords to create a daily summary of interesting stories also left you with...
We'll put a chip in you so that you can use it at the tuck shop and to open doors. Surely the ID badge could do that? Three Square Market Microchips Employees Company-Wide
Source: prlog.org
Microsoft Seeing AI App for Blind People Describes The World Around. This type of augmented reality technology could prove enormously helpful ... as long as you are presumably attached to 'the cloud'. "Microsoft has released an iPhone app for blind people and those with significantly decreased vision....
Source: medgadget.com
Micropub is a W3C Recommendation | W3C News
Source: w3.org
Patterns of change and continuity in ochre use during the late Middle Stone Age of the Horn of Africa: The Porc-Epic Cave record: Ochre is found at numerous Middle Stone Age (MSA) sites and plays a key role in early modern human archaeology. Here we analyse the largest known East African MSA ochre assemblage,...
Source: plos.org
How Airlines Use Facebook Bots.: It’s nothing new — Big companies such as Starbucks, CNN, Microsoft, Tommy Hilfiger, KIA, Pizza Hut and Co are making use of bots to support…
Source: chatbotsmagazine.com
Document Moved
Source: learningsolutionsmag.com
Microlearning best Instructional design strategy in elearning
Source: swiftelearningservices.com
Meet Microsoft's new chatbot, Zo: Now with (hopefully) 100% less Nazism - ExtremeTech: Microsoft is throwing its hack back into the AI chatbot ring, this time with a new AI, dubbed Zo. Hopefully this one won't turn into a Nazi spambot within 24 hours of launch.
Source: extremetech.com
Tiny Implantable "Microcoils" in the Brain Activate Neurons Via Magnetic Fields: Precise stimulation could be useful for visual prosthetics or brain-computer interfaces
Source: ieee.org
Spikes in search engine data predict when drugs will be recalled: An algorithm can predict drug recalls on the basis of internet searches made using Microsoft’s Bing, and might help identify faulty batches
Source: newscientist.com
Good read. "Humanising healthcare" by Dr Margaret Hannah. Great ideas briefly and clearly explained. The book outlines an approach in Fife to reduce winter pressures on beds by encouraging patients, staff, and community to seek better health care. The ideas are based on Alaska's Southcentral Foundations's...
Source: amazon.co.uk