"to truly improve health equity, we need to swim even further upstream and engage in advocacy for an entire population. The WHO Commission on the Social Determinants of Health was explicit that to achieve health equity, we need to tackle the inequitable distribution of power, money and resources". Swimming...
Source: bmj.com
Cross-party NHS commission proposed to review health and care funding in England - Hospital Dr: A cross-party NHS commission to review future funding and structure of health and care services in England, will be proposed in the House of Commons.
Source: hospitaldr.co.uk
State of Care 2014/15 from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) - room for improvement. "Demands are increasing on health and social care. State of Care – our
annual overview of health and social care in England – looks at the
trends, highlights examples of good and outstanding care, and identifies
Source: cqc.org.uk
Sanofi wins EU approval for Praluent anti-cholesterol drug: French drugmaker Sanofi said the European Commission had cleared its key cholesterol drug Praluent for the treatment of so-called "bad cholesterol," or low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, in certain adult patients with hypercholesterolemia.
Source: reuters.com