A comparison between the effectiveness of a gamified approach with the conventional approach in point-of-care ultrasonographic training: Although gamification increases user engagement, its effectiveness in point-of-care ultrasonographic training has yet to be fully established. This study was conducted...
Source: biomedcentral.com
"Pictured by Juno, churning clouds on Jupiter show not only mesmerizing complexity but some high-level, light-colored pop-up clouds. Understanding atmospheric dynamics on Jupiter gives valuable perspective to similar atmospheric and lightning phenomena that occur on our home Earth."
Source: nasa.gov
3 cognitive biases perpetuating racism at work - and how to overcome them: Our brains take shortcuts when processing information to make decisions, leading to unconscious bias and systemic racism at work. Here’s what you need to know.
Source: weforum.org
This is how you can make vegan sushi from watermelon - Insider
Source: insider.com
Abandon lectures: increase attendance, attitudes and attainment: In a recent debate with Stephen Downes, I spent some time going through dozens of papers and meta-studies showing that the lecture is a larg...
Source: blogspot.com
Police Across Canada Are Using Predictive Policing Algorithms, Report Finds: Police across Canada are increasingly adopting algorithmic technology to predict crime. The authors of a new report say human rights are threatened by the practice.
Source: vice.com
How I launched WHO's covid-19 response in the Central African Republic: Marie-Roseline Darnycka Bélizaire of the WHO explains the challenges of responding to coronavirus in the Central African Republic in the face of limited resources.
Source: newscientist.com
Pharma’s pivotal role in social determinants of health: Pharma manufacturers have a pivotal role to play in precision population health through strategic data collection, analysis, and biopsychosocial and algorithmic interventions to address SDOH.
Source: informaconnect.com
Twitter is one of the most popular microblogging and social networking platforms where massive instant messages (i.e. tweets) are posted every day. Twitter sentiment analysis tackles the problem of analyzing users’ tweets in terms of thoughts, interests and opinions in a variety of contexts and domains....
Source: online-journals.org
'I just need food in my belly and a bed to lie on': Big Issue sellers see sales plummet as shoppers stay away from town and city centres.
Source: bbc.co.uk
Comparison of E-Learning, M-Learning and Game-based Learning in Programming Education – A Gendered Analysis: Learning to code is considered as a difficult and challenging task for a significant number of novice programmers in programming education. Novice programmers have to acquire different skills...
Source: online-journals.org
A New Era of Coronavirus Testing Is About to Begin: A newly authorized test promises to double America’s monthly testing capacity, thanks in part to a huge purchase by the Trump administration. Can the test deliver?
Source: theatlantic.com
The new cultural norm: reasons why UK foundation doctors are choosing not to go straight into speciality training: The number of UK foundation doctors choosing to go straight into speciality training has fallen drastically over the last 10 years: We sought to explore and understand the reasons for...
Source: biomedcentral.com
Ways to prevent crime other than police and prisons: There are less harmful ways to stop a lot of crime from happening in the first place. Listen to Jennifer Doleac — Associate Professor of Economics at Texas A&M University, and Director of the Justice Tech Lab — is an expert on empirical research...
Source: 80000hours.org
Mark Lynas on why nuclear power is the most practical way to avoid catastrophic climate change: Why isn’t everyone demanding a massive scale-up of nuclear energy to save lives and stop climate change?
Source: 80000hours.org
The brewer and the slaver gang: Serendipity – I love it. I was searching for something else entirely when I came across this advertisement in a Kentucky newspaper, which is how I discovered that the first successful keg beer in B…
Source: zythophile.co.uk
Sustainable Open Access – What’s Next? - The Scholarly Kitchen: How can collective action models to support open access, like Subscribe to Open, be applied to academic publishing? An interview with Raym Crow.
Source: sspnet.org
Elevated CO2, increased leaf-level productivity, and water-use efficiency during the early Miocene: Abstract. Rising atmospheric CO2 is expected to increase global
temperatures, plant water-use efficiency, and carbon storage in the
terrestrial biosphere. A CO2 fertilization effect on terrestrial
Source: copernicus.org
Kenyans go hi-tech to save endangered Grevy’s zebra: Software analyses ’citizen scientist’ photos to automate census of rare zebra
Source: independent.co.uk
Investing in Libraries is the Right Thing for Administrators To Do, Even if There Are Fewer Resources Overall - The Scholarly Kitchen: Library budgets shrank for 2 decades. They can't shrink any further because of COVID-19. In fact, they should grow despite contracting college budgets
Source: sspnet.org